Good video, fun channel. But it unearthed a memory in me: does anyone else remember a website, probably from a while back, that let you superimpose various sci-fi ships over Google Maps? I swear this was a thing, and it was great for getting a sense of scale of these ships.

What other visual aids for ship scale have you come across?

    7 months ago

    DS9 is such a funny escalation too. The station is just gigantic, since the D can easily dock at it while only using one of its (eight?) capital berths. But how much of it do we ever see? Private quarters, offices, some cargo holds. The Prominade should be the largest set we encounter but it barely seems larger or more impressive than a suburban shopping mall.

    Something like Mass Effect’s Citadel is how I image DS9 should really look on the inside, and even that’s probably underselling it given these dimensions!

    When you look at TOS as basically a submarine show in space (Roddenberry being a navy man and all), the original scale makes a lot of sense.

      7 months ago

      My take was that much of DS9 was unused. It was originally both an ore refing facility and a military base. After the federation took over there was basically no use for much of the ore refing facility. There must have been large storerooms for both raw and processed ore. Along with large ore handling systems to move bulk ore.

      I bet its ability to dock multiple capital ships was probably adapted from being able to dock large bulk cargo ships for the ore. Think about it like current bulk material handling terminals for ocean going cargo ships. They are vast areas with relatively few people working at them.

      Additionally I would assume that there were military brackets that were unused. I think it is a safe bet that the Cardassians had a much larger military presence there. Just think of how easily it absorbed the additional personal need to operate as the in theater HQ during the Dominion War. It was able to have a Federation, Klingon and Romulan General Staff along with some kind of unified command. While also serving as a place for RR and ship repair.

      And now that I typed this all out, I realized I really need to find something better to do with my life. 😂

      7 months ago

      I agree DS9 inside and outside don’t match. I think it would be too spindly if they did the correct proportions.

      Now can you imagine StarFleet’s starbases? Those were big enough for ships to enter.