…today we are announcing that HashiCorp is changing its source code license from Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPL 2.0) to the Business Source License (BSL, also known as BUSL) v1.1 on all future releases of HashiCorp products. HashiCorp APIs, SDKs, and almost all other libraries will remain MPL 2.0.

BSL 1.1 is a source-available license that allows copying, modification, redistribution, non-commercial use, and commercial use under specific conditions. With this change we are following a path similar to other companies in recent years. These companies include Couchbase, Cockroach Labs, Sentry, and MariaDB, which developed this license in 2013. Companies including Confluent, MongoDB, Elastic, Redis Labs, and others have also adopted alternative licenses that include restrictions on commercial usage. In all these cases, the license enables the commercial sponsor to have more control around commercialization.

Vendors who provide competitive services built on our community products will no longer be able to incorporate future releases, bug fixes, or security patches contributed to our products.

Our commitment to our community, partners, and customers has not changed. We understand the trust the community places in us and we’ve worked carefully to preserve our original goals in adopting an open approach. We look forward to continuing to invest in the community and our products.

    • slazer2au@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Not just AWS. Anti billion dollar cloud provider selling a managed version of their software while not providing adequate support to the project.

      I do think that if a company is making more then 10M a month income it should have to pay for OSS that they use, even if it doesn’t directly generate income for them.

  • ck_
    1 year ago

    That is why you never sign a CLA when contributing to OSS …