This comes from the Conquistador series. As a huuuge Jean Dufaux fan, I’m embarrassed to say that so far I haven’t gotten to it yet. :S

Still, tho:

Since their landing in America, Hernán Cortés and his army have been considered deities by the Aztec emperor Moctezuma. Unfortunately, Cortés has been working more for himself than for the distant crown of Spain for some time.

While he mounts a punitive expedition designed to remind others of their allegiance to him, Cortés also sends a motley group, mixing soldiers and mercenaries, to steal Moctezuma’s priceless treasures.

That group of adventurers will soon be decimated by a mysterious entity which relentlessly pursues them in the jungle.

Are the enemy creatures mythical in nature, or simply human killers bent on vengeance? Perhaps one should not attack the ancestral and powerful Aztec legends with impunity… –BDT and Johnny

There are 4 tomes in all, listed & summarized here: