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I think the wheel of history turns on a greater axle than a presidential election. Look at Europe, and the rest of the global north. The machine of neoliberal imperialism has created global instability and climate crisis, and the rich are locking down their spoils with right wing nationalism.
Trump was a fluke, he’d have had more bites at the apple in 2020/2024 and eventually get a win. If not him, then some evangelical fascist.
Absolutely. We’re seeing a return of authoritarian candidates in many first world nations. The people that witnessed Hitler’s rise are mostly gone, leaving many to overlook or minimize similar patterns of behavior.
As far as the US is concerned, Trump made the hat. Someone else will put it on.
The dominance of the far-right in France’s elections and in European elections in general this cycle is really frightening. That being said, I think a lot of their success comes from tactics inspired by Trump’s… Trump became an internet icon, he was turned into a piece of popular culture. The European far-right are doing the same, they’re REALLY good at social media propoganda and utilising social media to get young people to vote for them. Looking at 2019 vs 2024, the difference in young voters’ attitudes would be unbelievable then.
Russian psyops. They’re beaten The West without firing a shot, except for Ukraine and Syria.
Ha! If you think fascism in Europe is going to end well for Russia, you don’t remember history.
Russia itself is already fascist. It is currently ethnically purging Crimea, and festers on patriottism and nationalism, with a person cult, a single dominant party, and cronyism.
Doesn’t matter all that much. Fascism needs enemies, even within the same ideology.
The fascism on the rise right now isnt the same as in the 30s and russia right now isnt the same as in the 30s. I dont see any reason to believe that the european fascists would turn on their biggest supporter.
Yeah Russia will be in Neo-Hitler’s side this time. At least that seems to be their plan.
The machine of neoliberal imperialism has created global instability and climate crisis, and the rich are locking down their spoils with right wing nationalism.
I want this on my tombstone so the alien archeologists that eventually visit our ruined husk of a world can know what happened.
they’ll already know and the financiers of any such project will work to mitigate any impact that message might have or prevent it from becoming well know; as has already happened.
More like people were betrayed by the DNC and rejected an unpopular candidate that was thrusted onto them.
The dnc really ought to let voters nominate their own candidates, instead of force feeding us their choice.
That is far too democratic to ever be a thing in your country. The political system is financed and thus owned by the capital, so they will never permit a not capitalist to have any political success. Bernie, a by all objective measures very moderate leftist, is the furthest the spectrum goes, and he is more tolerated as a sort of token minority than realistically able to affect any real change.
If people were able to select and push their own candidates the whole big money oligarchy collapses.
I saw a Michael Moore documentary that claims Bernie actually had the votes for the nomination and the DNC lied and said he lost in a state where he actually won.
Not sure if that’s true 100%
whether it’s true or not, DNC’s reputation makes it so believably probable – we got to watch as they backstabbed anyone slightly progressive, watched as they primaried anyone they couldn’t openly sabotage, and now they’re holding this year’s primary in Chicago claiming it won’t be a repeat of 1968 as they massively increase police presence …
The dnc really ought to let voters nominate their own candidates, instead of force feeding us their choice.
The biggest hurdle for potential candidates is name recognition and funding for getting those signatures. Even after getting the signatures, it’s very hard to challenge an incumbent, like was proven by Dean Phillips and Marriane Williamson.
You must not remember the 2016 primaries.
That’s why I said kind of.
Establishment/center right Dem influence on the primary happens through endorsements and media connections. While the actual primary is actually rather free, it’s not very fair as the establishment gets the first say over the narrative, though this is weakening incredibly over time with more social media and independent media influence.
And it wasn’t the last time. Remember super Tuesday?
Can you fill me in? I don’t remember hearing or reading about it
Before Super Tuesday in 2019, Bernie was the forerunner despite the DNC’s best efforts.
So every conservative democrat dropped out and endorsed Biden while the candidate who shared many of Bernie’s policies split the progressive vote (ensuring none of the progressive policies the former Reagan campaigner was running on would actually be implemented).
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America always had big propaganda against other people’s tyrants, never against their own.
And Truman would have something to say about all of the Russian-bought members of Congress. History is cyclical, and we’re approaching another authoritarian period for global powers.
I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing this happen all over the world. All over the world we have feckless neoliberal parties failing to represent their people and getting replaced with populist right-wingers.
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Not just Europe and the anglosphere. It’s also happening in Latin America (ecuador), and that’s basically all the regions where democracy used to be prevalent.
The middle east is still as dictatorial as it always was. Asia is still as dictatorial as it always has. Africa is still as dictatorial as it always has. I know all of these regions are huge and diverse, and that there are democracies. But none of them I can think of has gained democracy.
So the places that had democracy are turning less democratic, and the places that had little democracy still have little democracy. I’d say that’s an “All over the world” thing.
At least there’s Lula in Brazil. And I’m sure someone could come and tell me something bad about him, but not being Bolsonaro is a huge improvement, and I’ve heard other good things. In fact I believe the majority of Latin America is under leaders to the left of the US Democrats. And no I’m not counting non democracies like Venezuela or Cuba.
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So the most Democratic countries on this planet according to you are cuba and china. Both of them are 1-party states, and China is straight up a surveillance state. Ok lol.
Does china pay you or are you spreading their bullshit propaganda for free?
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The US is effectively a one-party system as well, because the rest of the world gets fucked over either way you guys vote.
Because in a lot of other places, or was already the case.
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I’m not defending America’s actions. I’m stating that many members of US Congress are funded by Russian oligarchs.
The influence was apparent when Republicans withheld aid from Ukraine until they were forced to choose between funding Ukraine along with Israel, or leaving Israel without weapons.
Does that sound like a government body that is representing its constituents?
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How about you tell that to The Speaker Of The House?
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Bother someone else with your agenda.
OK, but sending weapons to either of these places is bad, both for the people whose wealth is being wasted to blow up people on the other side of the world, mostly civilians (almost entirely civilians in Israel’s case) and the people getting blown up
Supplying Ukraine with the weapons needed to defend themselves against a Russian invasion is bad?!?
The US is not supplying Ukraine with weapons because they have any interest in the well-being of the people in Ukraine. They are supplying the weapons to extend a war as long as possible to weaken Russia, at the expense of hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Ukrainians and millions displaced.
This is infinitely worse for the people living there than if Russia won a quick victory or if we’d taken literally any off-ramp in the last decade.
Fucking what?
It doesn’t matter what the US supplies Ukraine. It’s Ukraines fight. It’s up to Ukraine to decide to forfeit the fight or to keep fighting.
By your logic we (humanity) should just let any country invade any other country and take over it’s people just because “it’s easier to give in than fight.” Giving in would be for the benefit of the people, right? That’s what you’re saying? Fuck right off.
Russia should not have invaded Ukraine in the first place.
If you haven’t yet, I recommend watching Traumazone. All 7 hours of it offers a beautiful insight in USSR 1980’s to 1999.
Yes, USA supported shitty stuff. But the system rotted itself out first with corruption and production mismatching demand while fighting pointless war in Afghanistan, which created the power vacuum and collapse.
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The west sure did buy a FUCKTON of oil from the Soviet Union for people who were apparently trying to bankrupt them since 1917
Oh, but the West only gave the money in order to bankrupt the Soviets, you see
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a grand tradition of what to do with tyrants.
America as a nation was created by a subset of landed gentry who didn’t like paying taxes. They wanted to make Washington king. The founding fathers were basically the Megamind meme where Tighten (yes, it’s spelled Tighten, not “Titan”) says to the Mayor of the city: “More like under new management.”
The founders were not a monolith and had mega-disagreements about how to proceed from day 1.
“okay, we’re not gonna have political parties, right guys?”
Immediately form federalist and anti-federalist factions
Sure, and they still managed to pass the alien and sedition acts. Saying they weren’t a monolith is a way of dismissing the mountain of evidence that suggests that, for most of them, participation in the democratic process of an inchoate American republic was intended only for a small segment of the population - literate (i.e. wealthy) white men. I’d suggest A People’s History of the United States if you want a better perspective on that.
Yes, his name was Andrew Jackson, and he told the Supreme Court to go fuck itself, and we survived him too. This stuff changes and evolves.
America used to have a grand tradition of what to do with tyrants.
Which is the same playbook as democratically elected leaders of foreign nations. Bombs, drones and CIA-soonsored assassinations
- America used to have very loud PR and an easily convinced population
So… People tell me an election year is no time to talk about electoral reform. Every US election year. But! After the election, they scurry away under the refrigerator and stay there for 4 years. I know you have to hold your nose while you vote this time, but catch these weird centrists before they disappear and hold their feet to the fire to influence change. You deserve better than this “I’m not voting for _, I’m voting against _” nonsense. Your government is hurting all of us. Stop it, please.
Who has told you not to talk about electoral reform in an election year? I’ve never heard that.
On top of that, there are plenty of people who are working to change our election system the whole time. The problem is the “I hate the two party system!” People by and large just vote every few years. I work with some locally that are trying to change things from the ground up.
Ugh, Facebook people, mostly. And thank you for being the change you want to see in the world.
I wanted to reply in a way you would see. Your question is valid and I don’t believe you deserve the downvotes.
Stop it. Just stop it. The fascist weirdo vs. the just sort of regular weirdo is how you do elections? We are all beholden to US policy and you think this is a joke?
Fucking fuck the fuck out of the fuck. Change it. Stop it. Please!
“Make your country stronger so you’re not beholden to the us! Omg your country is such crap.”
This is what you sound like, btw. It’s just shitting on America and Americans, you aren’t really saying anything productive.
Honey, the right is galvanizing globally and we all have work to do. I am passionate about avoiding catastrophy and it sounds like we might have at least that in common. Peace.
If you think we should be galvanizing, why attack me? Why shit on me and my country? You’re “peace” rings very hollow right now.
I didn’t think I was attacking you. Maybe there is a cultural barrier, but I swear I meant no offense. I thought my silly use of the language was in fun. Peace, please.
Bad take.
You get genocide either way; one is a guy trying to stop the genocide that’s been negotiating behind the scenes for months (and yes, also giving the Israelis arms), and the other guy wants to accelerate the genocide while also ending democracy.
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Mostly because Netanyahu has been souring on Biden real fast. Biden held up a delivery of bombs to Israel back in May, citing Israel’s plans to bomb Rafah. Netanyahu announced he was pushing forward anyway, and there was a big public spat about it. That sort of thing has been happening since Oct 7.
I mean one could say it’s all an act or something, but that strains credulity to me.
I’m not saying Biden is doing great here, I’d much prefer he take Bernie Sanders’ advice on this and stop weapon deliveries altogether. But it’s certainly fair to assess that Biden wants the genocide to stop, but is not doing enough to stop it.
Which is a de facto admission he knows Israel is committing war crimes with the weapons and that he has the power to stop military aid at any time.
This is Student Loans all over again where his cult says he can’t do it, because he doesn’t have that power. And then he does it.
Edit to add, he also released those bombs to Israel something like last week?
Which is a de facto admission he knows Israel is committing war crimes with the weapons and that he has the power to stop military aid at any time.
So your take is what. If we don’t start bombing Israel ourselves we’re supporting genocide? It’s a real moving goalpost, almost as if no action by any president would be enough. Almost like this originated from the Trump camp like all the other misinformation.
Nothing disgusts me more than seeing how Americans find some excuse to HATE every Democrat LOVE every Republican, even over issues where the latter is lightyears worse than the former.
I’m sorry, how do you come to the conclusion that I want to bomb Gaza at all? Not everything is a partisan operation. War crimes are bad, full stop.
In 2020 the left was told to vote for Biden and pressure him. Now that he’s signed the most conservative immigration policy since Operation Wetback, and is supplying a genocide, suddenly it’s all, “jk we never meant for you to actually pressure him!”
You did it again. Dodging the question. Again. You KNOW there’s no clean answer to the Israel situation. You’re blaming Biden for walking a highwire nobody would have walked better. And you seem to know it because you won’t address the question head-on.
…and then you change topic.
So at this point, you concede that Biden is as pro-Palestine as is reasonably possible? Or are you just going to keep spreading the Russian propaganda?
I answered your grade school attempt to box me in with an assumed premise. And better would be to at the very least, condition military aid on the effective distribution of food aid to Gazans.
It’s not the leaks, it’s the fact that Anthony Blinken has been holding talks in Cairo to try and negotiate a peace settlement.
Bad take.
It’s a return2ozma post. Of