• RootBeerGuy
    2 months ago

    Eh sorry but… Brexit vote was when, 2016? From then on it was all over the news. So up until 2021 this dude thought nothing of it, as Brit living in an EU country?

    “They should have told me”, yeah man, sorry, but you are an adult with at least half a brain to count 2 and 2 together. It’s your own fault you are in this mess and having a newspaper write an angry article about it should not change anything.

    Edit: Direct quote: “…and I had zero idea that Brexit meant I had to apply to remain in the country again” Seriously?

    Another one: “Although Solomons pays a mortgage and has had a family home in Sweden for more than the five years that would have made him a permanent resident of the country…” He could have applied for permanent residence too, it just gets weirder as you keep reading it.

    • Droechai@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      My old boss was a Brit and he was very aware that Brexit happened and that mean that he was no longer eligible for the free eu internal movement, occupation and residence… How could he have missed that? Seems that was also very openly spoken of as a consequence if Brexit would happen long before their vote