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The original was posted on /r/rust by /u/sonicbhoc on 2025-02-12 20:30:11+00:00.
My boss is a C guy who has been coding C longer than I’ve been alive.
He’s getting tired of the things you would expect a C programmer to be tired of at this point. In his own words, C is not a good programming language, but it is great at being an abstraction for Assembly.
However, he’s also a big fan of the simplicity and straightforwardness of C. He really doesn’t like functional programming concepts (his exact word for them was “weird”) and while Rust isn’t a functional language per se, It definitely has some concepts from it.
He told me he’s not a fan of the language, but he wants to learn to like it (which is the first time I’ve heard him say that). I’ve barely started on my journey of learning Rust myself. He would ideally like something done in a week that could show where Rust shines.
An important piece of info is that we mostly do safety critical and embedded stuff. We’re looking at the Ferrocene toolkit among other things.
What can I code — both in C and I’m Rust, preferably, to show distinctions — that I can use to demonstrate the differences for low-level coding?