Title. I go about my day-to-day life as a man still even though I don’t entirely feel that way. But then again, how do I feel? It’s weird, I really strongly identify with the nb flag; it makes me super happy when I look at it. I want to be like other enbies but it’s hard to do so because I feel so stuck in the way I present myself now. I would feel super stupid making a change to myself, you know?

Anyways, I guess I just wanted to use the opportunity of this new site by asking you all for advice. Have you been in this situation before? What should I do? Thanks, love you all. <3


  • GleasonXT400@rammy.site
    1 year ago

    Easy, if you have a penis you’re a man and should act like one, if you have a vagina you’re a woman and you should act like one as well. You aren’t some other gender you are one of those things depending on what you have. You aren’t something else because you like dying your hair, wearing funny clothes, or anything like that.

    You are either a man or a woman, plain and simple.

    • Elise@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Hi Gleason, I see your point of view and I used to see it that way too.

      Think of biology as a bunch of sliders. One controls something obvious like genitals. But it’s not always set to ‘male’ or ‘female’; there’s a lot of variety. Then there’s another slider for something less visible, like hormones. These can shape our brain development and how we perceive our gender from the start.

      When it comes to gender identity, it’s like the unique mix that comes from these different sliders. Some identify with ‘he’, others with ‘she’, and many others fall somewhere else on or off this spectrum. Each identity is unique and valid in its own right.

      Biology is way more complex than one might realize at first. Even something as seemingly simple as gender has many complexities. And then we aren’t even talking about psychology and other topics yet!