We are pleased to announce that Flashpoint 12 “Axolotl” is out now!
While this release does not include as many new game additions as previous releases, we have a lot of new technical features that you’ll be sure to love!
By now you’re probably asking us to spit it out already and jump to the juicy details, and that we will!
Live Updates
This is probably the biggest change that casual users will notice. Gone are the days of waiting for a new release to have new games in your Flashpoint library! You will now be able to see live additions to the archive with the click of a button!
Play Times for Games
You’re now able to see both when you last played a game, as well as how much time you’ve put into a game. These values are stored locally, and can be found in the sidebar.
Savings on Storage Space!
Images served on-demand are now compressed by default, which will save 80% of space for no notable difference. This can be changed however if that’s not an issue to you.
Also, support packs for games are now pick and choose. No more waiting for the necessary files to install for platforms you’ll never use! However, if you come across a game on a platform you don’t have installed that you want to try, the launcher will prompt you to install the necessary files. This reduces a lot of bloat.
Other Changes
Curating and Project Workflow
The launcher now has a lot of new nifty tools and plugins for curators, perhaps now would be a better time than any to add your favourite missing games 👀
The Discord has also been changed up even more than before to enhance workflow. Multiple channels have been converted to threads to help organize work on specific games. On top of this, NSFW games and animations now have an entire category to themselves to help enhance workflow in that space.
We now take donations through Open Collective! The finances are handled by Open Collective Europe, which is a registered non-profit organization based in Belgium. You can trust that donated funds will be used towards the project since the agreement terms specify that they must be used towards solely for furthering our archival goals. Any expenses and income are publicly visible for full transparency, and will help with project storage and bandwidth. Feel free to support us here!
With all that said and done, enjoy the gaming, and we’ll be working diligently as always to save and maintain more webgames for you to enjoy. Cheers!