For some reason it never dawned on me that I could use AI to create the funniest conservative political cartoons
The signs are ancient satanic chants in Aramaic that all librulz know by heart
Imagine being a lib and thinking you deserve a tato
I am far too high and spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to figure out what this meant
Barb x Hoss, Anti-liberal action 2024
i’ve been living much better since i’ve just accepted that everything is meaningless
I wonder whether if you query an AI visual piece with Coptic or Syriac text, it spits out something that looks like Latin characters.
Depends on what’s in it’s training data really.
Smh ur putting chudtoonists out of a job!
Hoss said so
Cleaned up that knee a lil
Get this into c/emoji STAT!
is it okay if I imagine he’s bringing me cereal instead
I’m a cowboy
on a steel hoss i ride
and i’m wanted
tate or salad
you’re a crooked, jerky jockey and you drive a crooked hoss, tater saaaaLAD
there’s something about AI generated images that’s just weirdly unnerving to me.
I like that he has his Stat spread tattooed on his arm so I know how to counter his build
Managed to replicate the art style pretty well but the expressions and poses are still that distinctly uncanny in that AI generated way.
Tag yourself I’m HOSS