I’ve seen gluten-free salt.
Sometimes is useful info, sometimes a marketing stunt.
Seriously, salt.
I’ve seen gluten-free salt.
Sometimes is useful info, sometimes a marketing stunt.
Seriously, salt.
Onions. Damn onions. I will puke if I feel a piece of onion in my mouth. There are other foods, but onion is the worst for me. I can understand those folks.
Disagree. Serious candidate for aneurysm posting.
Don’t forget the 5G exposition after the boosters to activate them, otherwise they give just cancer without the fun superpowers.
Source: am autistic and always on time.
Every Nintendo fan.
Thanks for the reply. Makes everything easier to understand. I guess we’re going to see a boom in vpn subs in the next months thanks to soccer mafia.
Sounds to me that, in practice, rights holders will notify providers of suspected infringement, triggering their requirement to report to authorities, and it goes from there.
Yes. You are right. But if hypothethically my ip gets somehow reported, it could trigger this “awareness”. Can proton know what I’m browsing?
They have power all right. It’s quite simple: tell the nazi that he’s on his own. That’s it. The moment the nazi loses his “I’ll call dad” card, we’ll see how well he goes in the territory.
It’s astounding the amount of buzzwords the tech bros will use every time they try to sell us some new AI bullshit.
A combination of things:
First, misinformation travels at light speed thanks to the lack of control in social media and internet.
Then, we have a generational crisis that is causing a strong lack of confidence in the actual political class because they are seen as incapable of resolving our generation issues.
Add to this that there is the perception of a strong migration problem (pushed by the far right).
The far right capitalizes on all of the above.
Also, it is treated like a cult by its followers because they thrive in environments where the intelligence is not required (it’s actually encouraged to not be intelligent and critical thinker).
The far right is also known to be populist, and they don’t need to be held accountable for their lies because their followers act as a cult.
If you sum this all up, you get our situation: young people voting fascism even more than boomers (look at Germany’s last election).
It really is scary.
I do have as many too at work.
I use one VM for each iteration of my automation software. Our factory has machines ranging from the 90s to present day, and they use different software environments to be programmed. In order to minimize the risk of data loss, we have one virtual machine with every software environment, that way if one gets corrupted, the damage is contained. It also makes them easier to export to new computers when we need to replace ours.
Yes, but don’t worry. This time we’ll do the right thing:
Ignore the facts strong enough so we forget that it’s happening by tomorrow.
Not just Ladas, SMART Ladas. I didn’t even know they made smart Ladas.
You clearly don’t do conspiracy well, do you?
It’s common knowledge that 5G is not for cancer. It’s for the mind controlling chips we all got installed with our COVID shot! Duh!!
/s (just in case)
I still can read the text, needs more jpg
I’m not a lawyer, so my knowledge is limited, but from what I understand, you can only make a claim for a patent infringement in the country where the company responsible for the infringement is located.
So they have this patent in Japan, but if I make a Pokémon-like game but I’m from, say, France, where this patent doesn’t exist, Nintendo can only suck it up and cope, because they don’t have a patent for this in France.
Greed. Simple as that. They only care for money. And they used to get a pass because they made good games. Not anymore.
That’s probably true in normal countries. Japanese patent office is… Less than normal if these things can happen.
My email is whatever shit protonpass comes up with when I generate a random alias. Phone number is 3334445566 Name is: lol no Gender is undisclosed DoB is January 1st of the first year I can select. Otherwise, 1900 And income is 1.
There, free WiFi.
It was a supermarket. There was also GMO-free salt. I think it was a marketing stunt, but you never know, I guess you could find genetically altered salt if you searched hard enough?