If liberals have a hard time with humor, explain why Bill Maher makes me laugh so hard
If liberals have a hard time with humor, explain why Bill Maher makes me laugh so hard
children catching bird flu with no known animal vector.
I totally missed this, got a source handy?
Not a lib: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/san-francisco-reports-h5n1-avian-flu-child
Pokémon Quetzal is a fun emerald ROM hack that has a whole bunch of extra pokémon, and settings to change how often shinies appear.
It also has multiplayer which I have not touched but sounds interesting.
Here little bro, this is your controller
Musk being given a wireless keyboard without batteries and being TOLD by his staff he is piloting the rocket.
Yeah this country was way better off when George W Bush was president.
Funny bit.
Now tell me how sad you are that Carter died.
In all of American history, lotsa old white men with much higher body counts. Biden’s banal evil doesn’t hold a torch to someone like Andrew Jackson.
In modern history, I’m pretty sure George W still beats out Biden on every measure, The only difference being George W could draw a clock.
He is an evil decrepit monster, but within the Pantheon of evil that are former US presidents, I’m not sure he breaks the top third most evil.
Must every discussion of Foreign Policy over the next four years begin with a long denunciation of Trump? Would that satisfy your liberal requirements and allow us to proceed with actual discussions of the material realities (including the fact that as evil as Trump is he managed to kill less brown children than Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Biden)?
You’re right, I shouldn’t peak shame.
It was also a commercial flop, that doomed the company that created it to bankruptcy.
I understand taking design cues from the DeLorean, I don’t understand why they decided to replicate DeLorean Motors any% bankruptcy speedrun
The only problem with this analysis is that, from what I remember, everyone in his highschool hated him.
So, more like “what a perennial loser thinks someone who peaked in Highschool would be like” which is even sadder.
When section 31 was introduced they were meant to be like the CIA (bad)
But in our post 9/11 world, they’re meant to be like the CIA (good)
I’m going to watch it, because I’m a good little piggy and I appreciate my slop, but I’m not expecting much.
Growing up in Florida, the refrain was "thank God for Mississippi" - no matter what stupid things our state government did, how badly we ranked, we could always point to Mississippi and say thank God we’re not that bad.
Oklahoma fulfills the same role for Texas.
I was referring to a famous Japanese wood block printing of a similar name.
Point being, do artists really require “porn films” to create pornographic media?
I think someone could argue that the animators are still being exploited along with voice actors, they use a lot of the same distribution channels, and I’m definitely not going to defend the content of a lot of hentai, but it seems silly to say that hentai requires live action pornography in order to be created, when people have been drawing lewd pictures for millennia.
My point is that the reference material used in the production of hentai is very commonly “real life” porn.
Doesn’t the existence of “the fisherman’s wife” kinda undermine your point here?
Joe biden has last time to do something very funny
It’s been a long time, but I devoured that series! It’s not high art but in terms of Star Trek slop it was grade A.
The American Dad theory of American imperialism. I like it.