Yeah, because of US interference and the EU complacency on having a unified army/defense system, we’re absolutely not ready if the US went rogue with a guy like Trump.
It’s very worrying for the future …
Yeah, because of US interference and the EU complacency on having a unified army/defense system, we’re absolutely not ready if the US went rogue with a guy like Trump.
It’s very worrying for the future …
It’s something we should have done back in 2016 already, heavily reducing our reliance on the US in cases like that. Be it militarily or economically. The EU can’t keep being the third player in whatever world we are heading right into.
Yeah and one who is secretly a traitor plotting for global instability. Man, these writers need a reality check.
L’idée c’est pas de leur demander leur avis surtout. Et de les faire payer leur part à la hauteur de leurs revenus/patrimoine.
That’s an argument made by our very powerful meat and agro-industrial lobbies. It’s worthless, they knew but tried nonetheless.
I guess we got used to massive ram increase/requirements in the past few years due to x86/64 architecture and such, that 8GB now seems completely obsolete. ARM works differently and more efficiently which would explain the lower specs for same or better results.
That’s how I see it at least.
It was definitely a headache for me as well, but you need a guest agent (like vmwaretools or qemu-guest-agent), a cloud init ready template for the distro of your choice, a cloud init config file (network/user/vendor) and a custom SCSI/ide cloudinit cdrom mounted at boot on your VM. You also can find cloudinit logs on your VM to try and figure out what’s missing or what went wrong.
You’ve probably learned things from it. It might take time to realise, but you most likely did.
Like recognising a bad relationship and how to break it up.
For reference, Apple currently has roughly 70 billion USD as cash on hands. 2.5 million USD is 0.0035% of their cash reserves.
If you have a yearly salary of 50k USD, that would be equivalent to losing 1.78 USD.
I am bad at math, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
Well yeah that situation is definitely bad obviously. I just argued on the point of burning wood for electricity.
It’s not that dumb because it can be a somewhat “closed system” for carbon capture. You grow trees that capture carbon, you burn them, releasing their carbon and you replace them with new trees and so on. Obviously it creates other problems like monoculture and such but as a non fossil “low carbon” energy source it could be locally interesting if you have space and water to spare.
T’es un héritier ou une personne dont les parents connaissent les bonnes personnes. Ou t’es un grindeur sigma qui se lève à 4h du mat pour être un market disruptor.
“yeah but that can’t happen to me because everybody loves me” - Trump probably
It’s not like he knows (or remembers) much about history
The extreme center, no political ideology, only opportunism!
I’d say less, because the movie makes itself completely clear that it’s a fable about power and greed.
Billionaires are a political choice as much as homelessness. They are allowed to exist because nobody does anything about it.
Yep, that’s literally the whole point of capitalism, always more. Infinite growth in a finite system is impossible. And despite what some people are saying, we’re definitely not in the part where exiting our finite system is viable.
Encore un coup de ces sales gauchistes ça. Imaginez les impacts sur l’économie et la productivité si tout le monde travaille un jour de moins !
Cum jar and one guy one jar, I assume?
If you don’t know what they are, good for you, keep your innocence.
I really don’t understand why in the fuck would you make a movie about Trump at this point in time. The guy is dreaming about becoming a dictator for the US and is a convicted felon. Dude doesn’t need any more publicity.