Well you didn’t ask why the OP was laser focused on this event, you asked why “people” are and I gave my best guess as to why it keeps coming up. It also could be that people just like to do things they’re told not to do
Well you didn’t ask why the OP was laser focused on this event, you asked why “people” are and I gave my best guess as to why it keeps coming up. It also could be that people just like to do things they’re told not to do
You asked why people care about it so much, and I’m pretty confident the reason is because we’re allowed to talk about it here. If we don’t, someone will forget about it. Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.
Furthermore, what we’re remembering is a moment when people who were trying to make their voices heard were silenced. By making our voices heard and remembering that they lost their lives in the name of their voices is in itself an act of remembrance that honors their memories.
Lastly, for the low hanging fruit, asking why people are “laser-focused” on an event from a long time ago is a stupid fucking question when today there are nazis and fascists on the fucking ballot. That’s why we remember the past.
And yes, to your point, those do who know history are doomed to watch others repeat it but remembering it is nonetheless valuable, and honoring people who died for something noble is also valuable.
Are people in China or on Chinese social media allowed to talk about it today?
Sure, but I think recognizing someone when they accomplish something of value is important regardless of the economic system in place.
And in this Capitalistic society OpenAI is doing nothing but literally capitalizing on the hard work of thousands of individuals without giving them any form of recognition
Oh yeah. The chad slavedriver vs the virgin computer guy. Tale as old as time
When I copy and paste someone else’s work, I get called a plagiarist and get fired.
When OpenAI creates a robot that does it really really really fast, they make enough money to feed the planet hundreds of times over.
I don’t want to live on this planet any more.
Paranoia is in bloom
I agree. I need to further involve myself in informing more people
I do not feel good about voting for genociders. I feel fucking awful about it. But I know with absolute certainty that a democrat or a republican is going to be elected president, and yes democrats also defund schools but I’d way rather not have to start from square zero four years from now.
Not voting for Harris sends a message to the democrats that they are not championing human rights strong enough, and that supposedly ought to send their platform in the direction we want, correct? The more people who don’t vote for democrats, the stronger the message is so we should tell more people not to vote for democrats if I understand you correctly.
It should go without saying that if you tell enough people not to vote democrat, even in a deep-blue state, republican votes will win out. I’m not saying that’s a likely scenario, but why when I know people like you will opt not to vote, should I encourage other people anywhere to not vote and even get close to risking that? And before you say “like you said it’s not a likely scenario so there’s no risk” there is absolutely risk. We risk losing public funding for education and we risk further loss of human rights in our own backyard. I’m not sure why that thinking is “defective” but if there is a specific flaw in the logic please point it out.
I agree, but I don’t have that choice right now. The issue of genocide isn’t on the two-party ballot. The issue of public education is. Fewer educated people means fewer people who can even identify genocide when it happens.
“But what good is identifying genocide if you’re not gonna stop it”
ultimately, the federal Depart- ment of Education should be eliminated.
Direct Quote from Project 2025
Thanks to schools, I can read and understand that when someone says “we want to eliminate public education” they mean “we want to eliminate public education.”
This alone is enough reason to vote democrat. Eliminating public education means fewer people will be educated enough to know when they’re lied to. I know the democrats are a bunch of shiteating liars but they have enough of a chance to win and they’re not trying to defund school and those two reasons are literally enough to vote for them.
There’s a large number of people out there that think “everything sucks right now and there’s a democrat president, so to make things different I should vote republican”
Fund schools. Keep the department of Education in existence and quadruple its funding.
From now on
Just like they said yesterday!
A lot of the music I’ve heard from her (supposedly she’s been making music for like 10 years but I’ve only heard her most recent album and single) is about the pain of being a flamboyant, proud, energetic queer woman who has been in multiple situationships with women who don’t believe themselves to be queer, or who aren’t out of the closet.
I’m a sucker for emotional contrast so I can’t get enough of the upbeat sound she has since it pairs so well with the sadness.
“Good Luck Babe” is specifically about being in a relationship with a woman who is in denial about being a lesbian; hence “you’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling so good luck, babe”
“Casual” is another good one about having a physical relationship with someone who insists that it’s casual and just a phase but Chappell knows it’s more meaningful to the person deep down but can’t avoid the pain that comes from that person denying her queerness and transitively denying the meaning that Chappell has in her life.
The sound probably isn’t for everybody, but the intensity of the feelings that are conveyed through the music are something I know every human can relate to.
Her music is infectious. Think 80’s Madonna if she were progressive, very lesbian, and even sadder and somehow more vengeful than Alanis Morissette
I’m indescribably happy when I find Myles Kennedy fanatics in the wild.
“The Great Beyond” is one of my favorite songs of all time. Flawless storyteller