Wouldn’t “WoW vet” imply they have been and are currently working on WoW? Or does “vet” specifically imply no longer active?
Could we get a brief explanation for why those are bad too? I left a different instance because they removed down votes, but I just picked world because I saw more posts and comments from them at the time. It’s been more mixed lately
I’m not successful enough to have imposter syndrome
That makes sense considering how stupid you have to be to buy one of those. Owners of other models get to claim they didn’t know Elon was a POS when they bought it, but it was undeniable before pre-orders for that thing were available
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears”
Is your point only to bring up that someone else actually made their body a swastika?
Why doesn’t Romania send him back then?
Plenty of people do or use a lot of things that more people don’t. My point was that not everyone knows what a SteamDeck is. You rebutted by saying people on steam know what it is. Do you not see how terrible of an argument that is? You were basically conceding, but you worded it like you weren’t trying to make my point, even though you did.
Yes, people on steam know about the SteamDeck, the majority of the US and world population, do NOT know what steam is. Therefore, by your own logic, most people don’t know about the SteamDeck.
and regularly markets the SteamDeck to it’s user base.
Exactly my point. If you aren’t using steam, you probably won’t see marketing for it.
Not sure why this is getting down votes. Price is the key factor most parents look at, and most people who aren’t into technology probably don’t know what the steam deck is or know what “gaming on Linux” means. That is what is stopping a good friend of mine. Price is a huge factor, but the intimidation from lack of knowledge is just as big
This is very interesting. It’s my understanding that a lot of grunts in the military are big fans of Trump, so wouldn’t that throw a wrench in the gear? Even if that isn’t the case, the military falls under the executive branch, the president is their commander in chief. What does that mean when a state seceeds?
It would be nice, but unless California has a militia on the same level as the US military, it wouldn’t end well
I’m pretty sure there were actually some doctors who were prescribing it
You didn’t read my comment or the post?
Why are you using VLC for porn? You download porn?!
No, the term was “global warming”
What did he say that was transphobic? The only Great comedian I’ve heard do that was Chappelle