The performance cost is not insignificant.
And comparing it to uncompressed original pngs is disingenuous. No games are using uncompressed textures.
The performance cost is not insignificant.
And comparing it to uncompressed original pngs is disingenuous. No games are using uncompressed textures.
I think a lot of people down voting this need to read it again. They’re not saying you should go faster because someone is close behind, they’re saying go slower.
If they’re 5m behind you, the safe speed is 20. If they’re 2m behind you the safe speed is 10. (Numbers pulled out of my hat).
The lengths we go to hand medical cannabis to the pharma industry…
I mean it’s a plant. Throw some seeds in a pot of soil. Done.
There’s a whole section of law that determines when the police are able to take DNA samples or fingerprints, and more laws for how long they can keep that information.
It’s regulated. And bringing face recognition under biometric regulation is a no-brainer.
I’m on a Poco right now. The hardware is great, so once you remove as many invasive built in apps as you can you’ve got yourself a great deal.
Look up how to use adb bridge to remove apps. Most are safe to remove, SOME are not. There are lists online that will tell you which is which for your make and model.
I remember this being announced to a big fan fare… And now it’s being quietly dropped. Shame on them. 1%? They didn’t even try.
Anyone who hasn’t played this game should do so now. It’s a thing of real beauty.
Quality content. Thankyou.
A lot of these techniques are having a bit of a resurgence for mobile vr where performance is so important. Blob Shadows in 2024 who would have thought it.
Thankyou for digging past the headlines and showing your findings. No one has the time to do it all the time but together we can.
The headline says
A record 35% of people aged 18-24 were classed as ‘inactive’ this year, driven by a mental health crisis.
The FT article references this as its source of data - https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/neet-statistics-annual-brief#dataBlock-58d70635-dc1a-4172-997b-fb5bc73d7166-tables .
But that source says
The percentage of the population defined as ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET) in 2023 is estimated to be 11.9%. This is 0.5 percentage points lower compared to the same period in 2022 where the estimated figure was 12.3%.
So where is FT getting its figures from? Or did they just pretend that training is the same thing as inactivity? (•_•)
He’s got a book to sell or a gig or something. He’ll try getting into headlines in any way possible right now.
It was banned because twitter failed to appoint a legal representative, a condition of doing business in Brazil. Failing to appoint a legal representative is kind of like sticking your fingers in your ears ‘nya nya nya nya’ and hoping your problems go away. They didn’t.
He’s just trying to sell books now. Ignore him.
Oral b pro 1, 2 or 3. They use the same motor and batteries as their most expensive ones, which is really the only bit that matters. Everything else is just gimmicks to justify the price… Bluetooth connections and other bullshit.
And don’t bother with official heads either. Generics work fine. Just remember to change them often.
Yes, I admire her so much for doing this. She’s a real hero.
This is actually the world’s oldest cat flap. True fact.
Parents should say no, and now this will make it easier for them to do so :)
The advertising standards authority use a nutritional profiling model. If the food is High in Fat, Sodium, Suger (HFSS) it gets a higher score. Some points are deducted if it is high in fruit, veg or nuts. If the food is above a certain point threshold different advertising rules apply.
This applies to preprocessed food. Not ingredients you would use to prepare your own food.
I don’t know about your other questions but some of the other rules are interesting…
You can’t use licensed characters or celebrities to advertise to under 16s.
You can’t condone or promote unhealthy lifestyle or eating habits. Ie. Eating a massive bucket of ice cream in front of the playstation.
You must not take advantage of a child’s vulnerability by appealing to emotions such as pity, fear, or self-confidence, or by Suggesting that having the advertised product somehow confers superiority, for example making a child more confident, clever, popular, or successful.
You must not present your price in a way that suggests children or their families can easily afford it. “Only”. “just”. Etc
This is brilliant! You must have been practicing for a long time to draw so well.
You’re correct. I guess they’re comparing against compressed pngs. Judging from the image at least.
But still, I think they’re cherry picking one of the worst formats to make the comparison look good.
Not to say that means this is bad. Just the cost/benefit is not nearly as good as it appears. We need comparisons against ETC or DXT.