So much for capitalizing on Chrome’s missteps when it comes to ad blocking I guess
So much for capitalizing on Chrome’s missteps when it comes to ad blocking I guess
They didn’t start this, but they will finish it.
He did more than just, “being political opposition.” He launched attacks on Israel. You know, bombing a sovereign nation, the very thing you’re complaining about.
We need to address this gap in bean coverage. Where are the two-bean salads?
Time to pay the piper. It’s funny/sad how lying to usurp democracy has few consequences but defaming a corporation and hurting their profits gets the book thrown at them.
Do it! Let Ukraine defend itself as effectively as possible!
JP Morgan too?
I can’t watch the orange man without getting very angry about the shit he spews, so I couldn’t watch it for very long. I understand he got trounced.
Uff to be indorced by the wuzerd, the wenderful wuzerd of Ez.
Both candidates are experiencing decline, and if Biden were elected and incapable of doing the job it would have resulted in a Harris Presidency anyway. It’s such an odd thing to object over. We’ve had presidents in decline before and the country kept running just fine, (FDR, Reagan.)
Biden did a fine job in office, I’m especially proud of his union support, and his policies were spot on in my opinion. To throw him under the bus like this seems really shitty.
Kamala has a similar approval rating to Biden. If he wasn’t viable, neither is she.
This is so incredibly reckless and foolish. Democrats just handed victory to Trump because they seem incapable of party unity. There is no better candidate waiting in the wings and Biden was polling very competitively against Trump.
Thereby proudly aiding the greater evil.
The race is still damned close.
Biden was a fine president in my opinion, and this impulse to throw our best chance with a proven track record under the bus because of one bad debate boggles the mind. Such a position only serves to help Trump.
Every personal criticism against Biden is also applicable to Trump only in a far worse and more dangerous way.
Wake up.
What a fuckwit, too bad he won’t be fired or face any meaningful consequences.