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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Completely get the low motivation. I feel this late into a patch it’s not an uncommon thing. If you’re not working on something else, getting into a rut of capping the 450 tome, get the raid tier tokens, do your custom deliveries, do Doma restoration, etc., isn’t difficult. (I’m literally queuing for Expert roulette as we speak 😅).

    Hopefully once the news on 7.1 starts to come out it’ll peak your interest again! And if not? Don’t stress 😊 Letting a couple of patches build to get a bigger hit after a break isn’t a bad thing either!

  • That sounds like a cool little project! I haven’t taken much time to play with the game’s internals since I play on console so it isn’t really possible, but love to see what people can do with a bit of free time and a curiosity to understand how something works!

    I’m also looking forward to the raid, although largely because I was an FFXI player for over 10 years, so am curious to see which parts of the game they decide to use for the basis of the raids.

  • I’ve had a quiet week this week. Haven’t really ticked much off the to do list other than gaining a few levels on my white mage. Should hit 80 this week and then I can try the 80 poetics weapon @pasty@raru.re suggested for my Aerith glam 😊 Did manage to get two non CT Alliance Raids this week though! (Void Ark and Mhach… but at least they’re not CT!)

    For 7.1 I’m going to assume we get our first tribal quests (I’ve already forgotten what they’re rebranded to now 😅), and I reckon it’ll be the Pelupelu. Pretty sure they announced them as one of the groups during the DT media tour (I could be wrong there) and given their involvement and proximity with Tuliyollal they seem the most likely choice.

    Vague spoilers on DT below

    Not sure what to expect story wise. I feel there’s going to be a rebuilding Tural post invasion plot somewhere but also an exploring the idea of intershard travel plot as well, since we already know Shtola is trying to get back to the First. Given Dawntrail was all about Wuk Lamat and her journey, I feel it would make sense for the rebuilding of Tural to happen around you rather than you directly participating, since again, that should be Wuk’s journey, not yours.

    So as we progress through the DT patch content you see the results of what happened with Alexandria, see people picking up the pieces and rebuilding their lives independently of the WoL’s involvement. And as we do our thing with the intershard stuff you can see the zones progressively change (since we already have a precedent for that in the final DT zone). Might be new structures being built, might be the use of electrope if any got brought back, might be people from different zones mingling together. Just feel it would make the world feel a bit more alive.

  • I figure brand new major features would be slower in coming. But security would be improved.

    I feel there’s going to be an element of “old man yells at cloud” here, but that isn’t inherently a bad thing. I just use Windows at work at the moment but there’s very little I do in Windows that I couldn’t do as far back as Windows XP as long as driver support kept up. I don’t use it for the OS, the OS just enables me to use the applications I need.

    Same with MacOS. I know Apple always act like every minor enhancement is the greatest thing ever (look, we added Tabs to Finder 🤩), but ultimately the OS is there to act as the pathway between my applications and my hardware.

    If the focus switched from features to security, would we really lose anything of value? At a minimum I wouldn’t have family contacting me cause their PC looks different than it did previously (looking at you centralised Windows taskbar 👀).

  • I assume the extra padding was a function of touch screens becoming more prevalent since trying to hit the 2003 style buttons with a finger was not that easy, although I don’t remember offhand when touch first started becoming a thing in Windows so it might have happened the other way around. But either way it’s likely still a factor in why the ribbon with its extra padding has stuck around.

  • There’s usually Discord servers too that coordinate runs on the different servers if it’s something you’re wanting to jump into! I haven’t does DRS yet but there’s a new DRS player group planned for the start of next month on Materia that I’m really thinking about giving a go (especially since it’s a weekend where my wife is away so I’ll be at home just with the kids so taking over the lounge room for a run wouldn’t be a major hassle 😊).

    Congrats on the clear, and the mount!

  • Fun fact as well, if you have one of the custom facades being used on your house and then upgrade to a larger plot, the facade upgrades to the new size as well! So you don’t need to say grab a small one initially and then craft a medium one later, it’ll just upgrade with the plot.

    Don’t think it applies to the piecemeal facades though (not 100% sure on that) where you pick all the individual features.

  • Don’t worry, I’m embracing the non-grind mentality


    And yeah, totally understand about the lack of good plots. That being said if you can afford it I’d still recommend getting your foot in the door so to speak with a view to upgrade later when you can, only because it gives you access to the company workshop and submarines, which while it takes months to fully max out eventually becomes a license to print gil with minimal work. And since it does take a while to get to that point, the earlier you start the sooner you’ll be done.

    Plus you can unlock workshop crafts to make the new housing facades. They’re often a good money maker right when the new patches drop!