I’m so dang pissed off
we had an internet service fault for 3 days straight right as this happened, i missed prime posting hours 😭
the dragon of budapest shall rise!
hmm today I will crush my greasy cock and balls with a rock hammer
in my area we have a separate tub for glass, and it doesn’t get collected, we just fill it then take it to the recycling centre where there’s a bottle bank or a bin for broken glass
Probably mods. In the base game there’s more reasonable clothing/armour than there is risque, but gamers gonna game ig
I had a ps2 demo disc that had the first level of TS2 (siberian dam) which I played over and over and over. Could never find a copy of it, but I got Timesplitters 1 instead and played it to death and back.
One day some neighbourhood ‘bad kid’ randomly showed up, acted like he was my friend and asked to borrow it, and I, being the shy, timid, push-over simply said ok.
Weeks later I would ask for it back, and he would give me some bullshit about how ‘Oh yeah I’ll get it for you, don’t worry’, until finally he said that he had ‘accidentally’ snapped the disc in two.
A formative experience indeed
Hmmm, I can’t seem to find this so-called “rule of cool” in the official rulebook
there’s an irony in calling your channel ‘unlearning economics’ and then making a bunch of videos outing yourself as a smooth-brained succdem that refuses to investigate marxism beyond a superficial level
i love that ‘pissboy’ is more frequent than ‘piss stain’
It never stops bothering me when people say “comprised of”, as opposed to just “comprises”, or “composed of”.
I try to remind myself that I’m witnessing the evolution of language in real-time, but it just annoys me that what causes language to evolve is just people misusing it.
I’ve been on farming simulator 22 for about a month. never thought it would be much more than just satisfyingly harvesting wheat for a few hours, but now I’m practically a tractor enthusiast
there was a comment on a tiktok criticising kid starver saying ‘there’s just no money. give it time.’, as though the first thing this government didn’t do was commit £3b a year to ukraine, lol
are cowards who don’t have the stomach for genocide
turns out this is basically anyone - the Nazis found that their initial enactment of the final solution (firing squads mostly) was hindered by the psychological impact it had on the soldiers doing it - hence why they tried to find more ‘indirect’ methods of murder, resulting in the gas chambers
isn’t this the show where the chinese tourists are like “all this land shouldn’t belong to one person” and the big macho guy is like “yeah, well, this is like america, bro”
is this loss?
back to germany
I’m guessing the “ethnic German” actually means they’re Americans with German great-great-great-great-grandparents
there is no broad left-wing party is the issue. the greens are lukewarm socialists/socdems, the NIP is socialist but small and regionalist, the worker’s party is just galloway being a careerist, all the communist parties have issues with racism/homophobia/transphobia/revisionism and no MP could survive the media while running as a communist anyway etc.
I may be biased as an anarchist but socialist independents seem to be the way to go for britain, given that every attempt at a socialist party invariably is usurped from within or sabotaged in the media - it’s harder for the MSM to sabotage hundreds of independent candidates rather than a single bloc, and voters tend to like independents for whatever reason - perhaps as an alternative to the westminster duopoly regardless of politics
it looks like it was originally posted on bilibili, so idk if there’s an option on the site to do that, or if it was edited in post or what
was just thinking about it the other day - it is very much a lib’s interpretation of radicalism/anarchism/revolution, in that it’s portrayed as being ultimately ineffective and driven by great men rather than a mass movement; and is focused on optics rather than actual praxis, e.g. hacking the banks and ‘deleting’ public debt rather than redistributing wealth, forcing the corporate exec to burn a big pile of money rather than put it to use etc.
my old boss once saw I had the wikipedia homepage open on my laptop which had the Karl Marx article as featured article of the day, and she proceeded to interrogate me about being a marxist and spending time reading marxism instead of working
which I of course did, all day everyday, but ironically not on this one occasion