Dyno [he/him]

  • Inmate of the TERF Island Megaprison
  • Abrasively communistic
  • You have nothing to lose but your gains
  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2020


  • there is no broad left-wing party is the issue. the greens are lukewarm socialists/socdems, the NIP is socialist but small and regionalist, the worker’s party is just galloway being a careerist, all the communist parties have issues with racism/homophobia/transphobia/revisionism and no MP could survive the media while running as a communist anyway etc.
    I may be biased as an anarchist but socialist independents seem to be the way to go for britain, given that every attempt at a socialist party invariably is usurped from within or sabotaged in the media - it’s harder for the MSM to sabotage hundreds of independent candidates rather than a single bloc, and voters tend to like independents for whatever reason - perhaps as an alternative to the westminster duopoly regardless of politics

  • was just thinking about it the other day - it is very much a lib’s interpretation of radicalism/anarchism/revolution, in that it’s portrayed as being ultimately ineffective and driven by great men rather than a mass movement; and is focused on optics rather than actual praxis, e.g. hacking the banks and ‘deleting’ public debt rather than redistributing wealth, forcing the corporate exec to burn a big pile of money rather than put it to use etc.

  • got a labour flyer through the letterbox today, turns out that among their candidate’s campaign promises are “stop the boats, end the hotel use for refugees and remove those with no legal right to be here”, which kinda just shows what they’re going for - daily mail readers
    it’s been a while since i’ve been canvassed, but i wonder if i could restrain myself from revealing that far from ever being willing to support and vote for right-wingers, I want only to literally pull their heads off as a service to mankind and the world in general

  • I was thinking recently what it would be like if we replaced all aeroplanes with airships instead; like helium-filled zeppelins. If it meant saving the planet, surely everyone could tolerate a slower journey, after all, people used to spend days and weeks on ships travelling across the world.
    The only real obstacle to this is the system’s incessant need to extract as much of everyone’s labour power as possible, not just over the course of a work day, but over their entire lives, meaning that any reduction in speed of travel, for instance, is intolerable, as it results in ‘wasted time’ that is not actively being spent on exploitation.