
  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2021


  • Tonnes of people use VPNs to watch youtube, play games with foreigners, stream uncensored foreign movies and none of them have been disappeared as that person would’ve suggested lmao.

    Funniest thing I’ve seen was when some were sharing western memes and comments were discussing the idiocy of this propaganda.

    A: “wtf is this social credit thing these westerners are talking about?”

    B: “Yeah they think we all have a score and we get disappeared if the score is low”

    A: “And these idiots actually believe in this shit?”

    C: “Well we have dumbasses that believe in the west’s lies too lol”

  • When liberal tolerance runs out and “I’m one of the good ones” doesn’t work anymore, it depends on the level of derangement they have.

    There was a Chinese liberal living in the US who was infected with Covid, but even til his deathbed he was still exclaiming shit like “where are the mass deaths? These hospital rooms are nice, clean and empty”. The room was empty because they literally threw him into a room there to die, they were already at capacity with all the other patients.

    Other diaspora may be a bit more apathetic but in the back of their minds they must know that if anything does ever kick off, we will be shipped off to camps or killed in the streets much like they did to the Japanese back then.

  • Decades ago when not everyone could afford to send their kids to study, many would drop out early to work and support their family.

    Nowadays there are so many university students as more families can afford to, the competition for jobs amongst them is fierce.

    So by this article’s standards, being poor and destitute, and working multiple low wage jobs to scrape by is the way to go. Of course if this were still the situation we’d get an article on how education is only a privelege for the elite and the poor plebs have to scrape away in a failed gommie state.

  • It’s quite possible but the KMT are nicknamed 百年烂党 (roughly translated to crappy centennial party) for a reason lol. They do at least recognize the shared history and lineage with the mainland but certain groups within them have went for a “two China” or a “Chinese commonwealth” solution in the past (which would be rejected as it breaks the one China policy).

    They will ease tensions to a degree and seek to resume some trade with the mainland, but anything substantial will be dragged through the mud by the DPP (they do their best snake oil sales routine as the opposition party lol). While the DPP rabidly scream for independence and elements of the KMT continuing their own under the table independence, neither have dared to breach their own constitution by declaring it or even taking it to the polls lol.