I’m not sure what word would properly describe your situation however the definition of the term over-employment both by the actual definition and in the common vernacular is for someone to have two jobs that they work simultaneously for double pay.
Your situation sounds like it sucks because you are basically being forced to waste 20 hours of your time every week. if you did the entire job in 20 hours but you still have to sit there for 40 that’s dumb. However, it doesn’t make sense to me if you were arguing against being forced to do this thing, which you called over-employment and some might call being overworked or forced to waste your time, I’m not sure why that would be censored In an anti-work community. Again I might suggest trying to restate your original argument here so that people can fully understand what you were trying to say and then provide actual feedback. Without the original argument I cannot say for certain what the moderators might have been thinking.
If you’d like the tldr, basically the month they compared to in the graphic was the month that they were out of town for 3 weeks so they used significantly less energy that month. When compared to a previous year 's data they saved 89% in energy. It did cost more though, because electric prices are increasing and electricity costs more than gas in their area.
Definitely something to keep an eye on and understand if you’re trying to electrify, if you’re doing it for savings, not for the health of the planet, make sure that your energy usage in gas would not be cheaper than your energy usage in electricity for the same amount of heat. Probably worth it for them in the long run because they caught that the furnace had a issue with the exhaust being pumped into the crawl space under the home which would definitely cause health problems later on, which in America would be very expensive healthcare wise.