Altavista crew!
Altavista crew!
Poison fish. Poison fish. Poison fish. Tasty fish!
They always gave these things away on The Price Is Right in the 80s.
God passes the doobie to the left.
And Trump wouldn’t even read his dumbed down bulleted daily briefings. Instead he watched TV.
Thats fucking rich from a guy who never, ever, not ever provides any backup to his frivolous statements.
Beeeee Kaaaaaaaaaayyyy have it your way!
Just here to say fuck Elsevier.
Obama: Let me be clear.
Just here to say fuck Elsevier. Standing in the way of progress.
Bro shaped like a deep breath.
Tldr; repressed homosexuals everywhere who hate themselves and are angry at the world for no real reason.
Those thumbs tho.
The original pussy wagon.
42 to give up your life, universe, and everything.
Im around Middletown and people around here hate that asshole vance.