• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • We took her for some speed dates at the local rescue, and he was only the 2nd bachelor she met. First guy seemed like a little much, these two largely ignored each other and then went to sleep in the x-pen there 😂

    Took them home and after a tiny bit of humping (both of them, which was kind of absurd to watch) they were settled in before 24 hrs had even passed. I’m definitely not complaining! I was ready for her to be a total bully but it’s been so easy.

  • Usually it’s pretty ok but I remember once being in an online PvP match and windows decided right then it NEEDED to update and started the process. It just went into update mode and restarted (oh so slowly) - my guess is there was a popup that I didn’t see due to being in-game and it just went ahead and overrode whatever I was doing to update.

  • I think this was honestly my favorite bit of the episode. I thought their honor was challenged just because singing overall, and expected some drinking songs or klingon opera. I was so totally taken off guard by it, it absolutely made the entire episode imo. I barely even remember what it sounded like after the first second because I was laughing so hard.

  • I like this a lot. It makes me wonder about some of these though, how “very scared” doesn’t necessarily mean “petrified” or how something could be “very noisy” without being outright deafening. Super useful as a way to break the habit of saying “very” all the time, though. This is all more just me marveling at the minute nuances in English though.

  • I’m pretty much also in the boat so thanks for writing out a lot of what I was already thinking, lol.

    I absolutely do have some imposter syndrome but what I’ve chosen to do about it is be completely open with others about having it (I don’t advise this if you’re a doctor or something like that, I’m in a creative-and-thereby-totally-subjective field). I found that being open about it or anxieties has in turn made others more open in turn, and it’s made the nagging voice in the back of my head a lot quieter.

    My best advice for you OP is to learn to really, truly forgive yourself. For little blunders or whatever else, learning to not beat myself up over mistakes or embarrassment was life-changing in terms of being able to curate a sunnier attitude toward my own self.