Annnnd I just read the Jim Varney Wikipedia entry…
Annnnd I just read the Jim Varney Wikipedia entry…
What an insufferable twat
Chuds don’t have an ideology. They have a list of things to complain about to be a ‘serious person’. Very much ‘how the real world works’ understanders.
I think what’s going on may be corporate greed, or a corporate strike. USA won’t be able to fix it, because to address the issue would be too close to the truth. My news feed is full of companies bitching about wages. There trying to fight it thru fucking the customer rather than readjusting their CEO pay.
You’re forgetting they don’t care. Chuds are the biggest adventurists. And then when they find out they’ll still be the victims
The United States is a mad dog. We’re currently obfuscating that perception through proxies.
Smiling triceratops.
Get a haircut hippy!
The diplomacy understanders have logged on.
When we’re old the kids are going to call us all plastic brained. Assuming we fix this.
I won’t recline my seat. Because it really does nothing for me and can ruin the trip for the person behind me.
Democracy for the investor class. Not the working class.
I’ve heard that.
I just like the idea of some government bureaucrat tasked with the investigation. Who knows the existential implications of Soviet involvement. And just every road they go down in the investigation, Soviets, Soviets, Soviets.
(Get in front of the Warren Commission.) ‘Lone gunman.’
It was the Soviets and the Warren Commission was too scared of nuclear war toe to toe with the ruskies to admit the truth.
Just be nice to ppl. Especially the ones you love. Real low bar shit.
Dumb ass left the garage door open. Smh.