“Flood the zone.” Steve Bannon
“Flood the zone.” Steve Bannon
No. Just read the article instead of making misogynist assumptions you dork. Big eye roll here as it outlines how not paying attention causes this problem!
It’s about collecting data then responding very effectively with architecture, lighting, civic planning, and transit.
September 11, 2001, all planes were grounded in North America, and Gander has an airport under flight routes.
Ewww, no, not even with a 10-foot rapier.
Yeah, a reminder to Canadians that our blueshirts (equivalent to brownshirts etc) were rounded up and interned during WW2. They got back to work somewhat right after because the country was still freakin racist, but it took until recently for actual fascism-with-Skippy to pop up again.
No worries folks, any infiltration violence in resistance isn’t likely to be directed at random civilians.
A lot of vandalism, though. And some judicious sniping would be likely.
A lot of us grow up around long guns. Handguns are relatively rare.
Another knob and switch deficit design. Regressive.
Compact recreational vehicles AKA “crossovers” are not station wagons, or if in Europe, touring cars.
It’s about the back. It’s big, like rear facing seats big; but the car is low, and less massive for it.
This is the high point of the category. We need to bring that shit back.
OK but what if you have a lava lamp that is synced to the moods of a sarcastic and greedy AI?
Security is about to get really weird. It used to be the Internet of Things we had to worry about, but now we have Things in Internet.
A lot of companies still use it for customer relations, sadly.
I yell at the road when people drive badly, too.
Activist, prolific novelist, EFF organizer and analyst, and then some. Lived and worked in both countries and deeply involved in digital rights and intellectual property policy. Probably worth paying attention on this particular issue.
Also, major exaggeration on the ‘every word’ whinge. He’s prolific and targeting the fediverse.
Isn’t that the relationship Russia had with Ukraine when Putin took over?
Yeah if you meet JT he’s just another confident politician in public and seems a bit shallow and kinda cringe, so whatever.
But everybody hates Skippy, the person. He’s a dick IRL and emptier than his résumé. The PP parade will just hold their noses and march anyway.
“…for some reason…”
The reason is the same as all fascist takeovers. The coup works slowly, then suddenly. We are in the acceleration phase, it’s ramping up, just as they said it would in the Project 2025 documents.
The script is to combine a shock and awe campaign of massive change on so many fronts that no one could possibly resist them all, and to demoralize and deflate opposition.
Once this phase is complete, the power thieves will have sufficiently infiltrated the monopoly on violence (military and policing management) and the bureaucratic and technocratic key elements will be gutted or loyalized, so that a full coup can occur. Full control of media, a massive apparatus of repression and surveillance, and a hot mess of mistrust throughout society.
Interpersonal and community relations will be broken and replaced by dependency on authority for guidance and morality and information. Rights will be crushed and perverted. Power and money will only flow to the top, and poverty will become the norm.
US international influence will contract and enemies will be constructed. Blame Canada.
Just a warning though, when you folks are finally conscripted to invade northwards, we have a lot of methods and welcoming gifts to make it regrettable, and people here are getting prepared. I’d dodge the draft, when it comes, if I were you.
Might think is an irony, but it’s intentional: that area is supposed to be sacred to the locals. This ongoing violation is just colonialism and genocide 2025.
Thanks I will check it out
Hm good point, and the techbro loligarchs will be gunning for control over areas like that, so it will be under pressure.
Not a popcorn show though. More like fingernail lunch.
In Magaocracy, Muskolini is the smartest