TrudeauCastroson [he/him]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2021

  • My main point is that this has none of the macros of a hotdog so it hits differently than a hotdog. I am on tofu and chickpeas these days and I’m not really disputing the possibility of getting protein on a vegan diet, tofu and seitan are very under-rated by bro fitness chicken-and-rice guys. Those foods are pretty high in carbs compared to lean meat or non-fatty fish, I now have to eat a lot less stuff like bread and rice that’s only carbs now. Compared to fatty meat like a hotdog, those replace the fat with complex plant carb which is probably better for you, but is a struggle to adjust to.

    When I ate hotdogs I could eat like 3 and be good for a while if that was my lunch. I don’t see myself eating 3 carrot-dogs and being good for a while.

    A lot of people have surprisingly bad diets, I know too many people who don’t really eat vegetables. When a typical meat-eater thinks about going vegan, they imagine eating a giant carrot replacing their giant slab of meat, and this is why people come in and say these things. I understand that point of view on this as someone who struggles with switching, and a recipe that tries to emulate the flavour profile and form of a hotdog but not the having the actual stuff that makes you feel like you ate a hotdog 10 minutes ago is a confusing thing for a non-vegan.

    There’s no real point to the original commenter, and there’s no real point to my comment. Other than me understanding where the other person comes from.

  • Well nutritionally instead of being half fat, half protein, and a ton of preservatives that are probably bad for you, it’s all complex-ish carbs and fibre.

    Stuff like this ‘hot dog’ is where the “how do you even protein as a vegan bro” stuff comes about. Idk how you ‘fix’ that, maybe keto hotdog buns, and turning it into a bean chilli “dog”?

    It sucks that you can’t just go all in on vegan direct replacements because the nutrition is so different and you won’t be full changing the macros of your meals overnight. If you had a terrible diet eating nothing but hotdogs and changed to this you’d feel hungry.

    The whole building meals around a meat protein, and then having a bunch of other stuff diet is hard to break, and this sort of recipe is easy to give the impression that vegans are always hungry because it’s so foreign.

    I notice that I have to add a lot more fat to my meals to balance them because vegan protein comes with a lot more carbs, unlike animal protein which comes with fat by default.

  • 100g of seitan isn’t that much seitan and I’d eat that much in a sitting.

    I’m never going to eat 100g (588 calories) of peanut butter in a sitting, so it’s not really useful for anything. It has twice as much protein per 100g than tofu, yet tofu is a way better food for hitting daily protein goals. So what exactly is this number useful for if higher isn’t better?

    Serving sizes on nutrition info are arbitrary, but useful for having an idea of how much of something to eat at once. Protein per calorie is more useful for meal planning to hit minimum protein goals.

    I don’t see how protein per calorie would misinform as long as it’s labelled. To me this is more misinforming because of the vastly different serving sizes.

  • If you’re injecting T I don’t think pro sports leagues let you compete in the women’s division.

    You’re also putting words in my mouth and creating ridiculous comparisons, I’m not arguing untrained cis man with testosterone vs trained woman with IOC defined woman levels of testosterone. You also didn’t address the soccer example.

    I don’t think I’d beat Serena Williams at tennis. But if there’s no gender in sport, the top 200 tennis players in the world who actually make a living off of tennis would be 99% men. I think even Serena Williams said something like that. The battle of the sexes in tennis was an old alcoholic vs a pro woman, and even that was pretty close. I think it’s sexist to say “women, you can do sport for fun at the low levels, but men you can actually go pro and take it more seriously”.

    If you don’t believe this then you don’t believe in sexual dimorphism and we’re not having a serious discussion. At that point there’s no point of trans women lowering their T levels, or transmen going on T because clearly it has no effect. Why do you think baseball players roided up? It’s not to have smaller testicals, it’s to make ball go farther with the extra T.

    Professional men and professional women both train at their sport for their job. Pro women soccer teams lose to U18 boys teams because of the testosterone, and those U18 have less training and experience.

    In weightlifting the male and female records at every weight class differ by a lot. In athletics the records are all pretty different. The only completely equal events women can win at high levels are shooting and ultra-marathons. And idk maybe curling or breakdancing and not-as-directly-physical stuff like that.

    I’m arguing currently professional equally fully trained pro men vs women. Or equally trained men and women at any level really. Abolishing gender in every league tomorrow would mean women wouldn’t really have opportunity to compete. Every coed league has the quota rule because otherwise there’s be a group of cis guys plus one woman taking games too seriously and crushing everyone, and that wouldn’t be fun really.

    You don’t sound like you follow any professional sport or know much about performance.