8 is on the first
8 is on the first
windows 10: uninstall edge
windows 11: uninstall copilot
it seems everything is copyrightable if you are rich enough
this is a meme format but with facts
you may have more success with reading the systems logs, with the ADB tool and the adb logcat
command. it will probably have a lot of messages, you’ll need to filter it mentally or in a text editor
the other user defined it well
the only game I have that has cards are the portal series, the others I haven’t experienced because I don’t play with games that have them. Are hats and loot boxes Valve’s fault, though?
working on it, I’ve taken upon myself the eat the rich way of thinking and planning. however, after their wealth is distributed, retirement doesn’t work without an ever increasing population, does it?
not necessarily if it shows that it has been that way for years. but yeah, it’s better now that it has the newer article
until it doesn’t exist anymore
this is like addiction to youtube “top 10 facts” and whatever similar videos
wouldn’t it be trivial to defend against that with a hash check if the size matches?
though I guess it’s possible to create your own that differs
the article told all source IPs can be tracked back to bytedance. Wouldn’t it be possible to block them? maybe even blocking all IPs of a specific ASN
this is neither archiving, nor ratelimited, if the AI training purpose and the 25 times faster scraping than a large company did not make it obvious
the scraper bots surely don’t
Currently learning Rust and although it cannot solve everything, it does guide you with suggestions and usable code fragments.
as does the compiler and the rust book
it feels like that exception misses some context. I’m not familiar with kotlin, but it’s java-like and this exception cause seems unusual, like if this text would only be part of an exception chain, and if we wouldn’t see the inner (original) exception(s)
how did you obtain this?
there are credible news outlets, that’s not the problem. the problem is that the propagandists are everywhere. they literally own the state TV channels, and most if not all regional newspapers and their online versions. a lot of people only watch/read these, and even more of them only believe what these tell
it isn’t. that is html and css, some would argue it’s html only.
javascript is not needed to load a website. It’s useful for interaction, and needed to load content separately and dynamically. without it you get a mostly (but not totally) static document like in Office Word