It’s in Hong Kong
Wubbadubbadubba, 'zat true?
It’s in Hong Kong
Now I wonder how goodbye is the person
[META] This is the first time I saw a Rule 5 violation, so here is a reminder for everyone:
Rule 5 - You may not reply directly to your own letter comment (this includes replying to your own letter with a Goodbye) but you can still reply multiple times in a thread.
Replying while pissing
Removed for Rule 2:
1: When the post title begin with [Meta]; 2. Comments reminding people that they violate the rules.
Following is the original reply:
If you’re asking why it doesn’t fall off into space, it’s for the same reason you don’t. Gravity pulls on everything on Earth, including water.
Phoenix Wright pointing at you:  THAT’S WRIGHT! ACE ATTORNEY TV!
Marcille: 🤢 Chilchuck: 😳 Shuro: 😑 Kabru: 😨
Trump: Xi Xi
It’s a piano practice book from China called 拜厄钢琴基本教程 (Beyer Piano Basic tutorial). I don’t know much about piano, so I think this is a book on piano lessons about Ferdinand Beyer? Something like that
Hi HP, I want my printer boring as it should be
It’s pretty common here in summer, especially when there is rain/rainstorm/typhoon