trans girl who loves girls, banjo, linux, nerd shit, and my dog <3 but i despise capitalism, bigots, and bad vibes.

please dm me on matrix (im desperate for attention) or dont, im not your mom.

  • 72 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2024


  • oh sweetie, i just want you to know that your far from ugly. i know it can be hard to look at yourself in this way when all you see around you is shitty people who dont want you to be happy, it really sucks i know. i just want to make sure you understand that you will always have a place here, no matter what.

    i spent a lot of time thinking about your question over my life, and my answer is that i would rather die than be the person that everybody else wants me to be. i listened to every body else and what they had to say my whole life and it got me nowhere, so i decided to do the opposite, and just do what people told me not to do. its not easy, and i have been through lots of shit, but here i am, feeling better than ever, and still trying to improve.

    all i want to try and get across is that i know it can seem hopeless sometimes, but all of us here on blahaj zone are here for you, and even if it seems impossible, you have the power to make positive change in yours and others lives, wouldnt it be so much better to build communities that support each other than feel sorry for ourselves? (not saying you cant be sad, this is totally valid, but unhealthy if its all you focus on)

    i love you girl, i hope you feel better soon, and i send you my best wishes <3