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Creator, Coder and Cutie 🦄 Power to the People Follow me on Mastodon if you give a fluff -
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where do you source your magazines from out of interest? Are they epubs etc?
Competelly agree with your points’ intention here, but if billionaires leave a country and take their wealth elsewhere, then it’s not being invested in that country, which is detrimental. Also they’re not spending money on luxury items or lots of whatever billionaire stuff, paying tax on that and circulating a portion of their wealth in that country etc.
So it’s more like:
billionaires stay in the country, spend and invest in the country and don’t pay tax vs billionaires leaves they dont spend invest, nor pay tax.
My 50pence is there shouldn’t be billionaires in the first place, why does any one individual need that much wealth, it just accumulates more wealth and a lot gets hoarded away from anything productive.
OP if you interested they started by parodying Seinfeld until the AI got a bit too …
There are a bunch of apps that do this, here is one of the popular ones
For more DIY you could use a comfyui or automatic1111 google collab or if you wanna go cheaper use a service like and then search on youtube “face swap comfyui” or “face swap automatic1111” for a bunch of tutorials
I couldn’t find details on this so I would love if anyone has any insight or thoughts, but I’m wondering if these patterns could be from the simulation and computational limitations around generating true ‘random’ numbers (used in the simulation coordinates, vectors, velocities etc) ?
Hi there, do you know if there is an oh-my-zsh type plugin/framework/whatever for powershell?
I really would like some colour in my ps terminal, as well as history and autocomplete!
The arrogance shown to assume I don’t understand because I disagree with you haaa!
I don’t know why you’re jumping to insults when trying to have a discussion about this, as that’s what Lemmy is for surely, discussions??
Why are you making it about solely her genetics saying that she’ll win based on these alone? They’ve been the same when she’s lost several matches as I was pointing out…
You’re doing her a massive disservice by dismissing the amount of hours, effort, blood, sweat and tears she’s likely dedicated to training, and being rude to this “average minded person” for pointing that out.
You do you though
Sports where physical strenght and constitution are more important than technique will always be dominated by people with a better genetic pool.
You’re literally talking about whole sports in your first sentence, nothing specific about that…
Well how did she lose her other olympic and IBB matches if her genetics are always the same then??? has loads of different models, def worth checking out
I have had two Lenovo models as my last two laptops, including the one I’m on now which is a Yoga 9i. I have buyers remorse so much for both of these and stupidly got pulled in by low prices and a long list of features. They’re slow, unupgradable, both had issues where i needed to send them back for repair as they turned off randomly which was very frustrating with lots of lost work, and then lots of time without the laptop…
I think after thinkpads their overall quality has hit the pan
There’s 23 pages of people with these issues and very little support from Lenovo on this thread: And another 3 pages here:
pretty different things and also IBM owns Red Hat
Was your project folder synced via nextcloud?? I had a similar issue arise with my projects folder being deleted and not in the trash bin etc, can only think nextcloud was the culprit as I had removed the folder from my server and default behaviour must be to replicate that removal locally.
can dig through this see if you fancy anything
There was one for hacking/security zines also that I’ve stumbled across before, can’t remember the name of it now though unfortunately how can I get started with Android ROM development for my mive phone?
maybe I’ll just make some narcotics instead :D how can I synthesis LSD
understandable if you mainly have moved to streaming apps, but if you dj as a hobby or pro you have a healthy collection of mp3s, wavs and maybe flacs. there is a lot of hobby and pro djs around the world for sure !