If Jesus were born today, he would piss off these warmongers to death.
If Jesus were born today, he would piss off these warmongers to death.
Yeah, I agree that it is incredibly hilarious to see reactionaries freak out about their God being mocked by the tankies, and I also find it hilarious when they freak out about socialists saying that Jesus was a socialist (or at least a proto-socialist) even when they (the socialists) don’t believe in Jesus’ divinity (or even His historical existence in some cases) anyway, as if they (the reactionaries) worship their precious capitalist system more than their “precious” God. And yes, I indeed agree that God in the Bible, even in the New Testament, is basically a tyrant as you claim, hence why he committed a genocide on the entire human population except for one family and threatens to send everyone who disagrees with him to eternal damnation.
When you just look at the Old Testament, God, despite his undeniably great brutality, is still less murderous than the Great Satan, even when you count the flood as proven above. Though when you add the New Testament, even with all the kinder language, there is also the much harsher language about eternal hell and when you count that, God is a Greater Satan than the Great Satan as even the Great Satan’s hell is ultimately temporary and doomed to collapse, while God’s hell never ends. God’s hell technically doesn’t kill anybody, but it just gives them a fate far, far, far worse than death to the point that it is called a second death.
I’m not really offended by the meme at all, and not trying to take away the fun. I really did not expect an argument to come from this post, maybe just some comments about how Satanic (from the evil bad guy interpretation) capitalism is, but not the overall negative reception this post got.
This post was supposed to be semi-ironic, where people would at first think I am trying to say that the biblical Satan is worse than the (Old Testament only, as New Testament condemns people to hell and plans rampage and genocide on entire world through the Second Coming) biblical God until they realize that I am actually talking about the Great Satan.
If anything, I do not believe that historical Jesus was divine or perfect, as the teachings on hell and some of his other teachings were horrible and indefensible (except by reactionaries), and religion is ultimately reactionary. Rather, I am trying to focus on the more positive teachings of the historical Jesus that are not taken seriously at all by reactionaries, and how they are so anti-capitalist. Reactionaries so often believe that capitalism is the system that Jesus wanted and that socialism is the way of the devil, and this post is supposed to argue why the opposite is the case.
To prevent confusion with communism as many reactionaries like to claim that it is “anti-Christian”, I will say that “our system” refers to capitalism.
As explained in the above post, Jesus had taught so much about the evils of wealth and how you should help the sick and weak yet capitalism encourages the exact opposite of that. That’s pretty much anti-Christian, whether you are Christian or not. It’s only pro-Christian if you count the distortion of the teachings of Jesus by feudalism and capitalism which happens to pretty much any religion as it becomes a tool of the ruling class.
I understand completely that it is indeed a joke, and I do not intend to make it seem like I’m taking a joke too seriously, even if it seems like I am.
Though unironically, when you look at deliberate death counts, the biblical Satan is a saint compared to God, but when you compare the God of the Bible to the Satan we have to deal with, that’s a different story.
The post is supposed to be further commentary about how utterly anti-Christian our current system is despite what so many western Christians sadly believe.
In case you did not get the metaphor, by Satan I am referring to the United States, which is often rightfully called the Great Satan.
Was Lenin a sniper? Because that’s accurate as hell.
And he acts like that’s a bad thing?
Go home, liberal, and take your horseshoe theory pseudoscience with you.
Bro that emoji is what capitalists are seeing every night now.
That’s like Zelenskyy a Jewish person loving Nazis. Loving the same people who wanted to kill you and your entire people.
Totally not racist as hell.
Literally every one of these is done by capitalists and capitalist governments every single day.
“Well it’s a good thing I live in paper!” /s
Least Sinophobic Amerikkkan rightist be like.
Go away. I’m looking for a realistic answer, not an unfalsifiable one.
Can’t believe that South Korea is often portrayed as this OmG wHoLeSoMe PaRaDiSe!1!1!1! when they legit have a lower birth rate than Japan, have some of the most depressed and suicidal people on the planet, some of the longest workhours, and all this on top of historically existing to be an anticommunist dictatorship.
Meanwhile, North Korea has active worker participation in society at large yet it is portrayed as this bleak dystopia and the worst place on Earth.
Working people so hard that they are driven to suicide just to own the tankies.
Dear angry libs:
Cry harder. I want to drink more of your tears.
Perfectly describes this.
Lenin statues have been pissing off liberals ever since they were first built.
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