• 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2021


  • They are going to care if you can maintain your code. Programming isn’t “write, throw it over the fence and forget about it”, you usually have to work with what you - or your coworkers - have already done. “Reading other people’s code” is, like, 95% of the programmers job. Sometimes the output of a week long, intensive work is a change in one line of code, which is a result of deep understanding of a project which can span through many files, sometimes many small applications connected with each other.

    ChatGPT et al aren’t good at that at all. Maybe they will be in the future, but at the moment they are not.

  • Ogólnie w kwestii Dolnego Śląska polecam zarówno przeglądanie strony Radia Wrocław, a jak ktoś jest lokalnie to ogarnięcie radioodbiornika (najlepiej na baterie, jeśli zabraknie prądu) i słuchanie na częstotliwościach:

    • Wrocław, Legnica 102,3 FM
    • Wałbrzych 95,5 FM
    • Zgorzelec, Bolesławiec 103,6 FM
    • Kudowa - Zdrój 98,0 FM
    • Kotlina Jeleniogórska 96,7 FM
    • Kotlina Kłodzka 96,0 FM
    • Bogatynia 89,0 FM

  • I always go with the following strategy:

    • Tons of public transport to ensure that local commute doesn’t have to rely on cars. In general, if I start to get the feeling that I need to place a highway in the city to solve the congestion problem, then I look what route is under served by public transport.
      • Buses or trams (if I want to be fancy) for shorter routes, metro for longer distances.
      • Passenger trains for inter-city and longest local transport.
      • Cargo trains in industrial hubs, but careful with those, as they tend to generate a lot of traffic when trucks come and go. I usually do some sort of a traffic sponge (one-way road that leads only to the cargo train station) for trucks to wait without blocking other traffic.
    • I use highways sparingly and only for longer distances, like connections between cities. I try to build them outside of the city, so it would also act as a bypass - the cars which are not going into my city but through it won’t generate traffic in the city itself this way.