There’s a cat named felix
There’s a cat named felix
Earlier this month, a jury at Bradford Crown Court refused to convict the activists, who stood accused of ‘criminal damage’ for their action.
They trapped this guy Chapo in a house and forced him to give hot takes about current events
Chapo trap house
Oh well…I wrote her in anyway.
If your state has a write in option, write her in
You can still write in
What air campaign has ever changed the outcome of a war?
And no, WW2 is not a correct answer either
most capable force
Capable of what, exactly?
20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq and we have jack shit to show for it. We didn’t change anything there, just wasted lives and money and killed a lot of innocent civilians and poisoned the land
Liberals don’t think about black people,
Wish we could take Elon’s brain and heart out
We need that as an emoji
Leave it to local news to be a PR stenographer
You would have thought they would have learned from the Iran nuclear deal that we don’t keep our end of a bargain
What’s the charge?! Having a succulent meal in Ankara?
Is she as bad as Sharice Davids?
Die every night, only to be resurrected in the morning
<DSBM starts playing>