In the next protest mods should allow content like porn as another way of protest.
In the next protest mods should allow content like porn as another way of protest.
Success is more important than talent. Success pays the bills better.
There was a time when corporal punishment was actively encouraged - Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Everyday the movie Idiocracy gets more prophetic.
Right to Sue is a right. Arbitration clause is a contractual obligations.
They should be able to sue regardless of being contractually obliged to seek arbitration. Disney can sue them for violating the terms of the contract later, but nothing should hinder anyone’s right to seek justice.
Lol… Not an American, but stood for democrats theoretical ideologies. But as an outsider it does make sense to put Trump on the presidency again to let him finish the screw up he started his last term.
One of the downfall is the global gag order that comes online about abortiom whenever Republicans win.
My grandma passed away from dementia a couple of years back. My mom has symptoms of ADHD. I am diagnosed with ADHD. The only person in the family to get diagnosed and actively treating with meds and stuff.
I wonder if knowledge and meds can stave of dementia.
Sometimes you need to call out media sensationalism. That barely was a slap. It definitely wasn’t injurious, powerplay maybe, locally it may even be judged playful.
Western sensitivity doesn’t always translate well globally.
You need to start somewhere. Regulation will always lag behind technology. But sooner or later things will get regulated. Once a good number of people are affected by something, rules will be brought in by the people. That’s how democracy works.
These rules are never perfect. Sometimes, to make rules effective, they have to be multilayered (swiss cheese model). But that makes them too expensive to implement. So eventually things end in a compromise where cost and effectiveness balance.
All recent stupid SC stuff is because of 6-3 votes. These old fucks are seated for life.
Based if he dodged the Emu War.
Live in domestic help is extremely common all across India. They probably think they did nothing wrong as it wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows in India.
TVP. Textured Vegetable Protein
That would have been a mature thing to do.
Not too complicated. Zionism basically boils down to “Israel is Jew home country (for mythical reasons)” therefore “Jews should strive to achieve it”. It may have other connotations but I don’t think a lot of people are confused about this.
Well you can only do so much, and a denier will come and fuck everything up. Oil and coal companies will pay billions to keep the propaganda going - that the earth is just fine.
So tired of all that. Remember the CFC issue. World got together to fight it and it worked. I don’t know if we will ever see such cooperation again. If we do, maybe we have a chance.
Other than a uniform collective action as a species we have no hope to turn this around. And since I don’t see that happening anytime soon I would rather stick to my “Doomerism”.
To be honest, we are fucking up the planet at an exponentially faster rate, so it is natural that mitigation solutions seems exponentially crazier.
There are people that believe that doing these crazy things will actually reverse the damage.
Then there are people like me who not only believe we are fucked but also believe that anything we do now is completely pointless as we are fucked either way so why bother.
It would be the same in communism or any political system. Bullies will end up with the most influence.
You missed the entire point. Typical Apple fanboy.
The iphone isn’t at all important to humanity and that’s why it should be regulated. Especially when something so unimportant gets such a large market dominance.
Anyone should be able to buy anything and expect things to be interoperable.
I like the airpods. They don’t work properly on android. Why?
They could easily license out the tech and other companies will pay billions for it. and Apple will get their ROI.
Intel was forced to license x86.
Face it. Apple’s behavior is visibly monopolistic. It wouldn’t have landed on DOJ’s desk if there were no good reason.
Always have been.