It’s the best kept web dev secret.
It’s the best kept web dev secret.
Seems to work!
Something occurred to me while watching some news yesterday. It won’t take ICE raids removing people from farms for the effect to materialize. The fear from raids will cause people to stop showing up for work at the farms before that. That’s why I think we’ll see the effects on food prices quicker.
Shortly after, tradespeople across Canada burst in flames.
Oh yes I didn’t mean to deny the point on housing.
Don’t they have to rework their refineries in order to replace Canadian oil? Instead the refineries currently working with Canadian oil are specifically built to process dillbit, due to having been built to use Venezuelan dillbit originally.
I suppose Albertans in oil and gas should call Danielle and tell her to stop the clown tricks and join Team Canada now.
I think you understand it correctly. 😂
No disagreement.
While I do not want to vote for Singh, the leader, I would vote for the NDP candidate in my riding if the polls don’t show them far behind.
Perhaps not good but less bad is what we look for.
Well done keeping your composure while explaining!
Not sure to be honest. I only did the quality control. My partner did the work. 😁
Paging Andy!
You’d like what I did with my current setup. It’s digital all the way, through a DSP, to the DAC. Then 15cm of analog cables connecting the DAC to the amp. All of which happens away from any other signal or power wires.
Asking the tough questions.
Do it. They said the next one will be in March.
Housing construction isn’t funded by existing housing investment. It’s generally funded by debt. Private or public, just like any other capital intensive endeavor. And debt isn’t created by lending people’s savings but by creating new money. By public or private lenders. (Private lenders create money too.) The only thing that is really needed ahead of time is labor, equipment and materials available. Financial capital is created on demand to mobilize those real resources.
#FordNation special