I would give startpage.com a shot i find it works even better than duckduckgo
I would give startpage.com a shot i find it works even better than duckduckgo
is it inaccurate? I just see the state of Texas and from what I’m told it’s bigger than then the northern hemisphere.
Do you have a sleep cycle alarm clock? It might wake you up a little earlier to make waking easier.
don’t know has a wife and kid and hatred might have been too strong a word but I don’t know what was in his head some who knows no judgment though
i knew a guy that actively hated them back in high school loved everything else but didn’t like the feel of them.
no they don’t
technobbabble is only bad when it solves the point of the story the only one that was bad about that in classic trek was voyager. In nutrek technobbable is the least of it’s worries and that comes from a disdain and lack of respect for the audience. At best it is Star Wars with Star Trek Redskin Mod installed.
At worst incoherent and telling the same story and yes one story over one season every season. We found a MacGuffin now let’s go on hunt. look at JJs sequel Trilogy and Star Wars and discovery season 1, 2,3 of discovery it’s all the same. i think Ronald D Moore once said the amazing part about Star Trek was you could tell and genre of story in Star Trek.
Im not just talk episodic versus Cereal cuz look at DS9 you had a war story and right in the middle of it you had a love story with Kira and Odo and a heist movie. Im very sad that doesn’t happen anymore.
now you are star trekking across the universe
Didn’t the Soviets try this back in the 90s? I remember it was a failure and you would need so many satellites. Already have enough problems with Emerald Mine boy as it is.
I guess bye bye star trek
One being election reform that is just not lip service, two putting the environment above the economy. but honestly i don’t care which third party get in as long as they dismantle the first past the post voting and we get a system can be compatible with real coalition. Sometimes you vote for the people you don’t like to get the opportunity to vote for the ones you do.
call them whatever you want but they are only viable in Maine, Hawaii and Alaska. i wish more third party candidates would run in disguise as Democrats or Republicans and push for Rank Choice Voting vs running third party. But I understand their value as to platform ideas and influence the two main parties, but that is so slow.
I mean we have Tactical Voting in the primaries why can’t we have tactical running. Hell the Republicans do it all the time look at Tulsi and those two parties that are the opposite. Where is the Greens (Jill excluded) I would call that a coalition under a different name. sometimes you have to do it out in the open sometimes you got to do it 5th column style.
that workflow seems fine if it works for you. seems overkill for debian but if it works i don’t see anything wrong with it.
one way I do it is dpkg - l > package.txt to get a list of all install packages to feed into apt on the new machine then to setup two stow directories one for global configs. when a change is made and one for dot files in my home directory then commit and push to a personal git server.
Then when you want to setup a new system it’s install minimal install then run apt install git stow
then clone your repos grab the package.txt run apt install < package.txt then run stow on each stow directory and you are back up and running after a reboot.
it is a fungal hell scape, Valley Fever https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coccidioidomycosis
Ringworm, Yeast infections
if you have a weakened immune system. It’s a nightmare you have to take so many precautions.
yeah I hope so, What do you speculate how the original Bell got acess to the Net?
that’s is such a funny idea they end up doing just that
It’s SAM Ore it has to be SAM Ore.
If you are on console I can see why there is no excitement for video games. But on Steam especially with a steam deck the indies are fantastic. Animal Well was my personal game of the year. The other aspect is on PC they keep throwing games at me for free between GoG and Epic I have over 800 games without paying a dime not all of them are winners but you can’t beat the price.
the internet can do really good things but for every Amazon we also had pets.com in the 00s burst i think we are speedruning the bubble with AI. I can’t wait till it pops so we can move on to something useful and stop wasting power.
the update patch changed what steam was looking for so FactoryGameSteam.exe is the correct exe