They’d absolutely blame Nancy Pelosi for that!
They’d absolutely blame Nancy Pelosi for that!
Ugh, yes, the machines “know what’s best”.
I was just assuming it would be used for blame management, regardless if it was an accident or not.
“See, it wasn’t me! It was ScapegoatGPT!”
Yes, it’s all culture war slop. “Elon Musk is the best!”
I’d much rather thousands of dollars of my taxes go overseas to provide art & culture, then billions going overseas as bombs dropped on Palestinian children. But that’s just me. I’ll always prioritize culture over murder.
They’re slashing USAID and feeding us the BS that these tax dollars are “better spent on Americans”, but they won’t be spent on the working class. Ever. They’ll go to defense contractors or Trump’s buddies. I watched the video, and I want my 2 minutes back.
Exactly! Why would we stoop to helping anyone anywhere with anything when that money could be safely parked in an oligarch’s account!?!? (overseas, out of sight, of course)
Just like a “corporate veil” I’m sure this will get spun into a way to avoid responsibility. I mean, it shouldn’t, but that’s precisely why it will.
“Your honor, Alphabet Inc. deeply regrets the misidentification & destruction of a civilian area, but the AI made an honest mistake. It’s unreasonable to expect manual review of EVERY neighborhood we target.”
But there are way, way more comments, posts, and articles about how he’s reneged on his promises & will continue to hurt people for the sake of hurting people… In the face of authoritarianism, you’re worried about decorum?
The tone he had on Monday’s Daily Show was, “let’s not start throwing around the word fascism yet”. He apparently still has faith in the courts? https://archive.org/details/COM_20250128_070000_The_Daily_Show
Hell yeah, brother
Well said. The satisfaction & reassurance of being in a “righteous” group is very powerful. No matter the reality, the group reinforces itself & calms dissent. Like a terrible & warm blanket. Then it’s very terrifying when you realize what you are & where you could be led. Thank you for the lesson, religious youth groups.
Same! And with great power comes great responsibility… for properly wrapped text
Some LED lights create interference with garage door openers & key fobs. Maybe you’re parking near a security light or holiday decorations?
Right, I’m ok with the TV (or local assistant) knowing I’m in the room. But why does personal convenience have to become the panopticon, tech bros?
I was only familiar with the edited version for years & was a little disappointed when I heard the original. “Crush” is a better lyric. It’s a double entendre and doesn’t sound so… thirsty? I’m also not a Spanish speaker, but would think a proper translation should infer the playfulness of that double meaning.
C) everything goes to shit, and somehow of course, it’s the left’s fault again! Tada!
“It is better that 1600 citizens be deprived their right to vote, than 1 paperwork error be ignored!” yes, /s, of course
Yes! It’s part of Understanding Joshua by Charlie White