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Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I love the point made about grassroots movements already doing good work for the community, and the entities controlling public land won’t allow tax payers to allocate a portion of public lands for planting. There should be a checklist of approved stuff you can plant, managed by the municipality, and that checklist should be available in multiple languages. I understand you shouldn’t just be able to plant whatever (if not food, then no non-native/invasive species), and there shouldn’t be harmful pesticide use to some extent, but given the amount of people living in food apartheids with no access to fresh produce, it seems like the least effort, humane thing to allow.

  • Absolutely stellar breakdown.

    We’re in an era where money is power, and it affords you the time, energy, and other resources to mostly ignore anything you want, even laws. While the working class comparatively has little to no control over their few resources, those that organize are doing so because they feel they have no other choice, and it’s literally about survival. I’m sure most folks involved in protests have important things to do in their daily lives and they wouldn’t be demonstrating en masse unless it was deemed important.

    Strength in numbers is all we have, and to understand the scope of an issue, we must organize, educate, and then disrupt and demonstrate if we ever hope to reform or dismantle systems that continue to exploit every single thing with value in this world. We’re seeing the consequences of inaction in real time, and guess what? Climate and ecosystem collapse + severe economic inequality is what we get when we do nothing to course correct.

  • This article really struck a chord with me. Maybe it’s confirmation bias, but I feel so much of the same things described here, and I do see NYC changing as it was told. I love NY for exactly the diverse and no-nonsense, hard-working attitudes that persisted here for decades. All of the color of life that makes NY so unique is rooted in the working class population… And they’re being squeezed out of every space, not just here, but everywhere.

  • Hell yeah, ebikes! As a decarbonization strategy, it’s one of the most sound, but we need to have safe, separate bike lanes and infrastructure that isn’t shared with cars because car drivers are frankly not interested in sharing the road. Transportation is most often the leading cause of GHGs - that or emissions from buildings (they seem to be at parity). So if we can kick the car lobby out of state decision making for city planning and transportation, we can actually have a chance at safer, equitable single occupant transport options for all income levels, and reduce our climate impact at the same time. Who’s with me?!