Y’all are seriously downvoting the “maybe we shouldn’t spend over $22bn a year on weapons used to genocide” post? That really highlights OP’s point.
I completely agree with you. The only way to get them to show us all who they are is to fight for what is right. Every time they fight against the people it becomes harder to ignore their blight. Either things get better or more people see who is making things worse. Win-win.
How could they make a president immune from any checks and balances?
How could they allow states to enforce draconian laws against the homeless?
How could they work towards ending voting rights?
How could they give lower judges the power to overrule experts?
They can. They have. They will again. The states have the constitutional right to select their electors as they choose, but this court has demonstrated complete contempt for justice and fairness.
If you live in a state that hasn’t joined the NPVIC push your state legislature to adopt it.
Wasn’t the ocean surface temp in the gulf 100F this summer? How can you look at that data daily and not ask yourself what could cause that? Even in 2004 it’s disappointing that it could be overlooked.
The secular hall shouldn’t be forced to host your “wedding” reception
You waste so much time at that book club. You could be doing something productive.
A thin layer of glue stick kept petg from bonding to glass for me, but a nice thick layer of G10 is better as long as you heat soak it before printing. I roughed mine up with some sandpaper and haven’t had any issues. Just remember good ppe when working with fiberglass.
And the terrorist fist jab!
I think I know precisely what you mean
The Donner party were a group on the Oregon trail that got stuck on a mountain pass in the winter and resorted to cannibalism to survive. The Dollup did a really good podcast episode about it.
Also the cafe in the University of Colorado UMC is named “The Alfred Packer Gill”. Alfred Packer was a similar famed cannibal.
I got better.
Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!
looks like the female end of a crimp on bullet connector
I’m glad they can make a joke that’s not just “_____ identifies as _____”
They are typical as low-point drains and manifold drains, both on the main line (always charged). Don’t just cap it if that would make a dead end, especially if it’s sloped down to drain. I can’t tell very well from the picture, but if it’s on a tee you would be okay putting in a threaded cap.
“king drains” or auto drains are common. A short nipple and either a brass cross-top or pvc ball valve would be better. Just be sure that it is accessible in the end.
That soundtrack still slaps.
These claims are outrageous! They need to run ads from the skeletons they find in my closet during discovery!
I was pulling from the current court, but yes. It’s almost like giving nine unelected geriatrics the ultimate authority on all laws isn’t a good idea.