tamagotchicowboy [he/him]

Don’t abandon your virtual pets. Hope you feel guilty.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2021


  • Basically see what the first edition of Nazis did and caused then 1-1 it to the modern day. Also more fascists appropriating red baiting, its an old trope, already happening, but it’s going to go into full play, the capitalists pretending they are anti-capitalist.

    Inflation will go 1 bitcoin for a Big Mac tier, but that’s still in the fully collapsed economy point. Certain debts might be frozen for a time, obviously not student loans. I suspect the return of debtors prisons and similar setups. Also forced employment, just because you work doesn’t mean it will be even at minimum wage.

    I expect more privatization of everything and a very poor attempt at reindustrialization using old shut down factories and prison slaves/heavily abused and deprived/indebted labor with harrowing accidents harkening back to the 19th century. Once we get into a big enough war maybe there’ll be attempts to train said workers and slaves somewhat. I also expect something similar in agriculture but exclusively using prison slavery and there’ll never be training nor relief there outside of the hands of the oppressed. There will be a lot of food shortages because of this being willfully inefficient and people will be gaslit about it or scapegoat Canada and trans people or someshit.

    More attempts to use fuel sources the US has to trade as bargaining chips/economic baton as dollar diplomacy fades.

    Yet another big war eventually, especially since how lucrative the arms industry is. Some industries are going to greatly benefit from the economic-political changes, others not so much, so I expect infighting. Those tariffs alone imho mean more war is greatly desired.

  • Relatives have been checking up on me concerned due to the anti-gsrm proclamations of late. Due to where I live and what I interact with I’m a bit more worried about the end of birthright citizenship and wanton deportations without giving AF if who they pick up isn’t Latin@ or is a US citizen, they’re all going to the same place. So many Born in East LA but unfunny horror stories already happen irl and no one gaf. When I was younger I thought of emigrating out to MX to be yet another digital expat, or maybe to continue on to an advanced degree, I’m so old and broke now idk how realistic that is. I do have some savings, but not enough to start in another country lvl. My spoken Spanish is horrific and there’s no one to practice with around here.

    I’m the mood for storytime, when my mom worked in agriculture when younger immigration did a sweep and picked up a few Oklahomans along with the rest, they were seriously so power tripping they were thinking about deporting them until some other official had them calm the fuck down. When people think Murikkkan its usually a bit of a southerner, so no one is safe from what’s coming doomer . She also had a series of stories about a nice undocumented Canadian she worked with, eventually he ended up getting caught in a sweep.

    HRT I have a decent stockpile not just from fearing the eventual scapegoating, but my constant insurance cuts, which I’m facing again. T is a lot more forgiving storage wise and time wise than one would guess off reddit-logo , real people to listen to are body builders, no damn joke. If I had a question its them or my endo. Anyway, for injections I’ve found vet supplies to be cheaper than Amazon when they have sales.

    I’m at the point in my transition like many where I can’t go back in the closet, I never really cis-passed very well, so this was always going to happen regardless of what the fools want.

    CW bathroom violence story when I was younger


    So I have PCOS and always had the blessing of facial hair, then some generic appearance things like I have a very masc face.

    When I was in late middle school or early high school, mom had just some legal trouble and I was at the nearest Walmart and had to use the bathroom. Some old lady accused me of being a boy-man in the bathroom and began to fight me off with her heavy ass purse and have a flip out about it. Other women in the bathroom ignored her or sat around like bumps on a log. I immediately told grandma about it who was like ‘oh well, it happens, just don’t tell your mom’.

    CW: dysphoria bit health


    Sometimes I take herbal supplements to help out melatonin or my actual sleep med. One I use and also cook with is mugwort. Mugwort’s nice in cakes and dumplings and has a unique herbal flavor, I also find it a bit of a lucid dream cheating-tier aid. I was chatting with a chatbot trying to see what it could pop out about mugwort’s various properties and more recipes, and I get to read its actually purposely used to regulate/cause periods. Oops. I usually take or eat it when I’m at my most stressed. I feel sort of silly, I can probably replace it with fenugeek or something flavor wise. I seriously wonder if that’s been a decent contributor to my current issues all this time. I never thought of mentioning it to my doctors since food isn’t exactly medicine.

  • I would double check its not some identity theft deal going on with banking, since that’s been a thing going on for a bit.

    Depending on various things you could try to escape the harassment, best of course is immigrating, second best is moving remote since the authorities there generally don’t have time nor inclination to harass the blacklisted and such with the caveat if you super stand out as a minority they’ll pester you for that, but not necessarily for your whistleblowing nor saying/being the wrong things around butthurt lib-chuds with connections. You can etch out a small and miserable existence rather than none at all, its a choose your own flavor of hell. Mine’s not that severe, for certain can’t touch anything academic or at a college, a former coworker confirmed since they told me at work astonished about it. For another ‘symptom’ in CA I’d get chained pulled over like every other second for total bullshit, best record was I had a little snow on the roof of my car and got pulled over 5 times in a row otw home.

    The people I did a little loud complaining with were like ‘hurr hurr the lists only last 6-12 years’, nah they’re much longer than that, I’m suspecting permanent.

    Supposedly some lists get trigger-happy and ridden with false positives, so you end up with like the whitest toddler in Murikkka on the terror watch list unable to fly while his parents are ok, and a bunch of harmless libs noted as super villain tier radicals. I’m not sure to the extent, but I do know its something no one is ever going to fix.

  • Yep, I mostly use it for books, gaymes, old websites, old mods, various useful utilities, OSes, offline AI horseshit, foreign pita to get films, and 360p quality shows since I can’t afford big data on my budget.

    I focus a lot on offline, easy to setup since most of my life I’ve dealt with shitass internet, questionable power, and poverty and none of those are going to improve in my lifetime I assure you. My data hoarding’s saved my hide, neighbors’, or relatives’ quite often, as it should be.