I think we all did.
I think we all did.
Lived in a Vet/Cop suburb of Phx. These fuckers are dumb and crazy.
I’m about 95% this fucker planned the first attempt on tRump as a publicity stunt. #OperationKonserve
Yeah…teach me too poop and pontificate
It’s about having pride in your community. Nothing wrong with an anthem. But this one does not reflect the values or even represent most of the community it’s meant to hype.
Not my type of music, but Kendrick Lamar seem to have hit the right note this summer.
Right. It’s being reported now like this is NEW. It was widely reported at the time.
How many specials have to air on CBS before we do something? But for real, these places have been fucked since before time began.
Yeah, never had it used that way. We’ll stick with it either way.
Can we ever get ahead?
My understanding is this grift already existed, and tRump just added his name to it years later. Just like his watches. He is just licensing his name, and anyone who buys this shit is a goof.
We knew this at the time. It was reported on.
Do EVERY other industry next.
“Putin gave outgoing president instructions on next steps” -Corrected
This has been proven since before I could vote. It doesn’t matter to their voters.
The type of people who would be on the site or follow that man…is anyone surprised they are an extremely gullable crowd? It’s almost sad.
Light pollution
Burn it all down. SUPPORT UNIONS!!!
This is not what they are used to with their other “media” partners.
Pittsburgh. It’s a pretty great area and ballpark.