Even the flies are democrats! /s
Even the flies are democrats! /s
Now I know, the 2nd line on his shirt says ‘MARS’ and not ‘ARSE’ as seen on other photos.
Is the image of himself in the mirror really himself or just a picture of himself? Is reality really real? ;-p
Grab him by his P***y!
A real socialist! Took money from the rich to give it to the poor (minded). /s
He’s only able to pay his debts when stupid people buy his (overpriced, useless) stuff. The ones not buying his coins and shoes and stuff are the ones to blame! /s
‘A Very New Shape Of Water’ /s
Great! Finally total transparency! Let’s start with Marc Zuckerberg and his family wearing such cameras 24/7 for - let’s say - at least 10 years. As a test. Just to show it really works that well. Right?
Hey mum! Look! I’m as important as any US president! Not only this weirdo in Kremlin, even Zelensky wanna meet me … ^ ^
Soon Trump ix X too …
So for fElon it’s not his ass, it’s he’s ass?
STFU you crazy journalist, this a-social media is for free speech only! /s
Even your wife then, your ex-wife, your ex-ex-wife, your female wheelchair driver and your mother? Great! /s
Maybe he gets an flamethrower from the next minister of finance, a known a$$ of trillion damaged brain cells.
The one-eyed leads all those blinds.
Trumps ancestors came from Germany. Enough said!
Make Love Not War!
Zeigt doch wieder wie ‘bürgernah’ unsere Politiker sind. Oder?
I think he’s thinking of an member of his own stage diving crew (the X, formerly known as South African tax avoider)