There’re better words to use in any situation.

To make the point more clear. As much as people tend to use it in the way they do for words such as ‘like’.

I mean people will just say f you, instead of thinking of a witty insult or express an emotion with more expression.

For example, say you want to express that a person is fat, which one is a more cutting way to tell someone they’re fat:

  1. “You’re a fat-f**k.”

  2. “Don’t bother trying to stand up. I know you haven’t done that in years.”

One more thing, As much as there is a time and place you don’t curse, it’s not a matter of “appropriateness” to me; what matters more is the impact of what’s said. I hope my example showcases that.

One last thing, - cause I just starting to realise this matter more to people than I thought it would (nothing wrong with that of course) - cursing doesn’t necessarily subtract from a remark as if it’s a negative number in a math problem, it’s just redundant for speaking (more often than not).

Southsamurai© gives a good example of cursing is bland as apposed to just using your brain.

Someone saying “I’m tired of this fucking rain” is more boring than someone saying “I really wish thor would give us a warning before bukkakeing the world”.

I just realise this will work as a post in a unpopular opinion space if that exist, lol.

  • RAM
    3 days ago

    aside from your opinions on cursing, mocking people for being fat is not cool.

    just like people are born with different hair color, people’s bodies look different. You can’t tell based on somebody’s body type whether they’re living as healthy as they can.

    Some people could have illnesses that make them fatter. Some people are just fat and healthy. In all cases, you should not mock people for being fat.