Fools quest I know but I’m wondering if there are any good, native games that I can play on my android handheld

Edit: I forgot but controller support is also needed.

  • soulsource
    3 months ago
    • OpenTTD: Open Source and available for free.
    • Settlers 2 via some DosBOX version. Back when I still used Android I used Dosbox Turbo, but it seems to have been removed from the Play Store. No clue which DosBOX build for Anrdoid is good nowadays…
    • 2048: Open Source and free puzzle game
    • Threes: Puzzle game similar to 2048
    • Cogs: Puzzle game. No clue how to find it on the play store, but it’s available at humblebundle.
    • Slay the Spire: Deck Builder roguelike.
    • Space Chem: Zachlike puzzle game. (Actually not only zachlike - it’s form zachtronics)

    and basically any Android game that ever was part of a Humble Mobile Bundle. Those happened before Humble Bundle was sold and consequently became boring.