The goal is to have my screen rotate to normal and start Barrier (keyboard and mouse share software) on boot up.

So, i have a laptop laying on top of my desktop monitor that i use kinda like a second monitor. But it boots up with the display sideways and i have to login to be able to use mouse and keyboard from my desktop.

I have tried everything to get a systemd service to handle those problems. But no luck, i think the service isnt running properly on boot. Please help me out.

Let me know if there is a better community to post to or if additional info is needed. Thanks.

  • mystuffdoesntworkOP
    11 months ago

    Its odd because i dont know what im doing, i sudo everything lol. So, i also tried what said. Changed the shellscript.service to use commands instead of a script and then checking status in terminal after a restart.

    With xrandr it failed with “cant open display” which is what youre talking about. Is what youre saying is that i cant run xrandr before login?

    With barrier it failed because “The Barrier GUI requires a display”. So, same thing, it cant be done before login??

      11 months ago

      Is what youre saying is that i cant run xrandr before login?

      So, same thing, it cant be done before login??

      Yes and yes

      11 months ago

      You can set your service to start after the graphical session starts by adding this line to the [unit] section:

      You can also add a require with same target.

      If you still need a value for an environment variable, you can set it with “Environment=”.

      Also as others said, you don’t nedd sudo. Systems should manage all of that. Starting, stopping, reload, environment, dependencies and user context.