Decades after the Rain of Death, a new journey begins in the Land of Fumes, where mystical powers lie beneath the earth. The kingdom's desire for conquest led to the creation of the Homunculi, machine-like artificial life forms prepared to execute the king's will. A recent resource-harvesting mission gone awry caused toxic vapors to emerge from underground, driving both man and machine to feral madness.
As the Homonculi devolve into dangerous creatures, guide Lilac - an "Attuner'' with the power to purify those infected by the fumes - on a quest to save the kingdom. With the help of friendly machines and spirits who fight in Lilac's stead, fend off mechanized legions of lunging carcasses, cannonball-firing corpses and chainsaw-wielding goblins terrorizing the land.
Granted, it’s only out of 9 reviews, but it came out on Tuesday. Seems like many publications are sleeping on it.
Its predecessor Ender Lilies was probably my personal biggest surprise of 2024 (when I played it, not when it was released). I wrote up some thoughts in the Playstation community earlier. I’m excited to pick this up once I clear out some of current commitments.