heavy insistence on this mechanism was how smallest (liberatian-ish) party of last coalition iirc limited defense spending including military aid to Ukraine. in last elections they fell under electoral threshold and have no seats in bundestag at all, rip bozo, you won’t be missed
If I remember correctly, this js also why DB is in such a shit condition, it needs a LOT of investment, but the government couldn’t raise debt to pay it off over time.
Always have been, DB is technically a for profit open capital company, but 100% of its shares are owned by the government (thats why its called Deutsche Bahn A.G., the ag stands for “share company”). It used to be a normal governmental body but was made that to privatize it later, something that never happened. Most Germans I know would rather take DB back than privatize it.
The FDP does that every few elections. Just wait, they’ll bobble up like shit in a sewer in a few years. As always. It’s absolutely mind-boggling for me how my fellow Germans can fall for them again and again.
heavy insistence on this mechanism was how smallest (liberatian-ish) party of last coalition iirc limited defense spending including military aid to Ukraine. in last elections they fell under electoral threshold and have no seats in bundestag at all, rip bozo, you won’t be missed
If I remember correctly, this js also why DB is in such a shit condition, it needs a LOT of investment, but the government couldn’t raise debt to pay it off over time.
were there people advocating for privatizing DB?
Always have been, DB is technically a for profit open capital company, but 100% of its shares are owned by the government (thats why its called Deutsche Bahn A.G., the ag stands for “share company”). It used to be a normal governmental body but was made that to privatize it later, something that never happened. Most Germans I know would rather take DB back than privatize it.
The FDP does that every few elections. Just wait, they’ll bobble up like shit in a sewer in a few years. As always. It’s absolutely mind-boggling for me how my fellow Germans can fall for them again and again.
“Get back in the locker, nerds”