I think it is “Die Jüdische Allgemeine”, which is mostly funded by the “Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland”, which receives 22m€ yearly by the german state (According to the taz)
thats my assumption as well, but some clarification would be nice. reverse image search only shows the screenshotted post on twitter, and without an account, i cant search the comments
which newspaper?
I think it is “Die Jüdische Allgemeine”, which is mostly funded by the “Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland”, which receives 22m€ yearly by the german state (According to the taz)
thats my assumption as well, but some clarification would be nice. reverse image search only shows the screenshotted post on twitter, and without an account, i cant search the comments
Here is the twitter post directly by the Jüdische Allgemeine Twitter link
thank you