I strongly identify with this meme 😛. Thought others here might as well. There’s this “paradox” of much preferring solitude much of the time while knowing you need other people in your corner in life.

  • Gameboy Homeboy
    9 months ago

    I’m not autistic but stumbled on this post. I don’t exactly see myself as an introvert but I require more time to myself than most people to feel whole. I got divorced after 15 years and my now partner of three years has learned to respect my need for alone time. We spend 3 days together on average and I really like the balance.

    • @satureOP
      29 months ago

      That’s encouraging to hear! I would eventually like to try for a stable relationship again, and I hope I can find someone who is OK with less “together time” than is typical. Congrats that you have!