After a recent data loss, I’m reconsidering various CODECs before re-encoding my re-pirated “loot”. I’m looking to maintain a good balance between quality and file size as my previous files were HUGE. I’ve read about x264, h264, h265 & vp9 for video and it’s between AAC or AC-3 for audio. I’m looking for long-term and broad device compatibility. Also, I’ll be using FFBatch front-end for ffmpeg for re-encoding. So, fellow pirates, what are your libraries coded in? Any helpful input would be greatly appreciated.
That will be down to your GPU having hardware acceleration for certain codecs and not others, because a pure CPU encode of those codecs on anything but an Epyc or other ball tot he wall top end CPU is going to take hours.
My Radeon 470 had Kronos Open CL but I think some of my system drivers have gone crazy because the option to use it has disappeared. I’m really considering a new build even though my system’s only 3.5 yrs old.