It’s nice to see a real example of a company doing the right thing.
Doesn’t happen all that often.
EDIT: I stand corrected. This is not all that great. Not terrible, yet, but the the path is no longer clear.
It’s nice to see a real example of a company doing the right thing.
Doesn’t happen all that often.
EDIT: I stand corrected. This is not all that great. Not terrible, yet, but the the path is no longer clear.
Is that any worse than the previous Apache-2.0 license? I trust Element more to continue doing open source development than other companies which apparently just fork their projects and keep their changes to themselves.
And anyway, anything ever released under AGPLv3 will stay that way, so if Element does decide to go fully proprietary, not all hope is lost
To me as a contributor, yes it is worse, because now the matrix foundation is not only a defacto gatekeeper but also a legal one. Previously, we were legally on equal terms. We would also be on equal terms had they just adopted the AGPL3, which I would have whole heartey endorsed. A CLA is a one sided power grab made in bad faith and I for one will not invest time and energy into a project that is set up in such a way. Burned one time too many.